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Help Does anyone else have Deep Sleep issues?


Sep 27, 2010
I am about to try my third device, as none have worked as well as my first, but I was wondering...

Does everyones devices constantly wake up?? I was looking at Battery under settings, and there are just a ton of dashes every second or so, which means the phone isnt sleeping, something is polling constantly... does anyone get long sleep cycles??
Do you have a large number of wake locks (thousands)? From what app/process?

** Anyone - is there a good app for monitoring wake locks? ***

Here is a screenshot of the GSam Battery monitor showing some of the wake locks on my phone during the last 1.5 hours.

The CPU Spy app shows that despite the wake locks my phone still managed to go into deep sleep for over 2 hours during the last 15+ hours.


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I use better battery, but still can't write determine what it is. I remember the first device I had tucked off 3% or so during 8 hours off. Which coincides with Samsung's claims of 890 hours standby. Now my device ticks off a whopping 3% or so an hour of being off. Considering the battery is bigger than the S3, there is no reason it should use more or even as much power while sleeping unless it's all cpu usage. Anyone having incredible battery life during standby? My awake time battery life seems normal, at about 10% per hour on of screen time.
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