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Root Does anyone have a clean (out of the box) Back up file I could have?

I'm not really sure if the one I have is clean (out of the box). And I would like to clean up my back up folder, and have a fresh one to put in there. Any help would be appreciated.
I'm using my 64 gig card now, and was doing some house cleaning. I want a fresh recovery back-up and be sure it's all good.

I too would benefit from a "out the box" backup sb. (somehow I unintelligibly lost my backup) I've tried all the roms even stock/w recovery and I've always a glitchy app drawer, video recorder freezes randomly, noticed lately that I can't play mp4 videos, and sometimes my dialer would hang(say dialing forever):mad:

I'm actually hoping that all I have is a bad rom or something. If not then I guess my phone is corrupted, Or cmw is corrupting files when flashing. I dunno :thinking:
sb, how is your stock backup looking? even if you modified it a little bit before making a backup. could I use it? Maybe I can eliminate these problems. If my phone works after then must be rom or cmw right? :smoking

ED.These phones will recognize a 64 gig card? holy crap. Guess i'm a little in the past.
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wouldn't that be nice, but I'm happy with my 64 gig card!!!!!! SWEEEEEEEET!
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Ok awesome, I'm away from my pc but As soon as I get back home, I'm going to download and try it out. I actually can't wait to see what happens. 64 emulator? Oh yeah i have one too. Have you tried riecast dreamcast emulator yet? It actually plays at a fair speed on these phones. Blew my mind when I first played it lol. Never though I'd be paying dc on a mobile :)
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Ok awesome, I'm away from my pc but As soon as I get back home, I'm going to download and try it out. I actually can't wait to see what happens. 64 emulator? Oh yeah i have one too. Have you tried riecast dreamcast emulator yet? It actually plays at a fair speed on these phones. Blew my mind when I first played it lol. Never though I'd be paying dc on a mobile :)

64 gig card
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