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Help Does anyone have lag in their native phone app


Well-Known Member
When I go from "keypad" to "contacts" and back those selections fade in real slow and buggy almost like a dimmer switch but "logs" and "favorites" appear immediately.

Not what I'd expect from a quad core phone.

Just tried what you mentioned in your OP and I don't experience any lag or sense of it being buggy. There's clearly an animation happening as you switch between them, so I'm not sure if that's what you're talking about.
Just tried what you mentioned in your OP and I don't experience any lag or sense of it being buggy. There's clearly an animation happening as you switch between them, so I'm not sure if that's what you're talking about.

I tried my very best to explain it the best I could as we all interpret what we read differently. Basically going from contacts to keypad or vice versa is not instantaneous, they fad in slowly. In developer options I even have animations set to none.
This hasn't happened to me on my note2, but it was always happening on my note1, and it bugged the hell out of me.

Maybe it would be worth trying a full factory reset if you have time?
My Verizon Note2 does exactky what you describe. It's a slow fade in/out just when going from keypad to contacts and back. Doubt it is something you can adjust.
Yes, mine dose the same thing only between the keypad and contacts. Must be some kind of animation.
When I go from "keypad" to "contacts" and back those selections fade in real slow and buggy almost like a dimmer switch but "logs" and "favorites" appear immediately.

Not what I'd expect from a quad core phone.


For smoother transition go into
  • Settings
  • Developer Options (turn on)
  • Scroll to DRAWING section
There's 3 scales
  • Window animation/ transition animation/ animator duration UNCHECK THOSE 3
For smoother transition go into
  • Settings
  • Developer Options (turn on)
  • Scroll to DRAWING section
There's 3 scales
  • Window animation/ transition animation/ animator duration UNCHECK THOSE 3

Nope, that doesn't help the above mentioned lag. Shutting off animations does help everything else but not the contacts>keypad>contacts issue. I think it's some kind of weird delay or animation Samsung did, EVERY Note 2 I have handled has exhibited this. Exdialer app is awesome and eliminates this lag unfortunately missed call notifications don't work....oh well.
Nope, that doesn't help the above mentioned lag. Shutting off animations does help everything else but not the contacts>keypad>contacts issue. I think it's some kind of weird delay or animation Samsung did, EVERY Note 2 I have handled has exhibited this. Exdialer app is awesome and eliminates this lag unfortunately missed call notifications don't work....oh well.

Hadn't noticed this until your post......thanks a lot buddy! :mad: :D
I'm going to try not to let it bug me since I hadn't noticed it before.
Hadn't noticed this until your post......thanks a lot buddy! :mad: :D
I'm going to try not to let it bug me since I hadn't noticed it before.

:smokingsomb: Gracias

All kidding aside, it bugs me but not as much as if it were only doing it on some Note 2's, it does it on ALL, regardless of carrier too. Nothing "wrong" with device it's just what they designed into the UI I guess.

Try exdialer, it's very nice but you can't get the little circle notification next to the phone icon telling you that you have a missed call.

BTW...Third times the charm for me, got another Note 2 tonight, *crossed fingers* all seems great.
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