Bob Maxey
Android Expert
Guys offshoring money multiple times to avoid taxes is not the same as taking standard deductions, that's ******ed. We're on a exponential slide of a larger portion of money going into a smaller percentage of the population, and in a failing economy. Letting the top 1% get away with tax evasion, not a deduction, is insane.
Not to mention, they are basically making it cheaper to outsource labor, further weakening the US job market. I'm glad you guys are ok with that, but personally coming from being recently unemployed, and having a number of friends who are too, I don't really appreciate it.
So I guess you can actually prove that the top 1% are guilty of tax evasion? You make a pretty serious charge, so good lick with that. I know off-shoring money as you put it is not the same as a standard deduction. But my point still applies: if it is not illegal, it is not cheating. Why is this so bloody hard for people to grasp? Yes indeed, punish those that break the law, but do not punish those that follow the law.
Again, if it is allowed in the tax code or other laws that govern business, it is legal and therefore not stealing or cheating. Sure, some people go off shore for labour but many do this because the business climate in the U.S. of A. creates the need. If you do not like it, seek change.
Learn a little history and discover how remarkable this great country can be. You might learn that vast numbers of United States corporations are doing what they need to do to survive. Learn a little bit about business and the issues we face, and start talking to your representatives.
If you think it is hard today, try banning all outsourcing and see what you get.
We need a greatly simplified tax code and a pro-business government. The current administration is most certainly not interested in actually helping business.