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Doesn't matter which cellphone carrier or phone I use.. please help

I might need to apply for Political asylum due to my own government or whomever else involved not allowing me to even get any legal access in at least 7 years and I am an innocent victim, witness and loyal USA citizen by birth and should be plantiff against my own government possibly but can't even find out anything since none of my attempts at trying to actually get really needed help for actual human rights violations commited against me and my family members and possibly friends and who knows how many more people have all been blocked, stolen, intercepted or rerouted ,changed, vanished, altered or something else like that and been especially bad since learned that I am on the Snowden list back in 2015 and worried about how long I have been illegally hacked or on and off..not sure since can't get legal help or rights even. And I'm not a traitor or a spy ...looks like more to me and my family members and possibly friends as living unwilling, no consent, no representation,no knowledge of them doing this until being terrorized and tortured and spied on and still haven't been able to even speak with anyone at all in person face to face yet at all...all legal access has been blocked. Whomever is doing this and has are sadistic murdering torturers thieving lying criminals themselves and not my fault or my family's fault either as well as never volunteered or consented or agreed with anyone at all ever to be a guinea pig for someone's else ever and never leaked my own or anyone's else's information either btw... actually have only tried to get legal help and being ignored is torture treatment as well as not once have I ever even got a phone call back or email or letter or reply or any money or any checks or anything and at all and was never working for anyone illegally ever either or did anything wrong and this is not a scam only worried that people have stolen my identity and been allowed to obviously by my own USA government or other governments as wouldn't they even warn me as well and assist? Why hasn't anyone responded yet in person as all my communication gets hacked or hijacked relentlessly?!? And i never allowed anyone to speak for me or on my behalf ever not even anyone given power of attorney for minute in my life..if anyone has they stole my identity and much more including every minute of my life and especially since 2015 and earlier please send real official help..only requested help that has still never arrived ever at all that I can even understand especially since I need Human face to face verbal communication in English please is required but I'll post on this message board as hopefully it will expose the frauds who are preventing me from obtaining Human rights and civil rights and privacy rights and even common courtesy from anyone as whomever has done this is that frickin mean and I'm not and never have been btw...they use Force/magic/hacking abilities btw and I have nothing to do with that and no one in my family members living or dead has any of those abilities and never has not do I know or friends with anyone that would do this at all in my entire life. Btw I don't discriminate but not sure why or who keeps using that as excuse themselves to prevent me from even reporting human rights violations commited against me and other people.
Welcome to Android Forums. This forum community is dedicated to assist Android users with their phones. Beyond that scope we cannot help you. If you will explain what is going on with your phone, we might have some helpful suggestions.
little red school bus 6.jpeg
i know nothing about espionage, but i do know android. so lets go there........how do you know your phone is hacked? have you done a factory reset? or even better a hard reset? what phone do you have? have you changed your passwords yet? have you also setup 2-step verification on all of your accounts? if not i would start there.
I have tried all those things already and just get locked out of my own personal private email accounts and phone numbers.
Even after factory reset and booting up in safe mode on cellphone and no wifi on at all in entire house and no saved local WiFi even on cellphone and had reset factory reset, wifi reset and all of them available on the phone as well as never once rooted anything or any permission to install unauthorized application and only got updates via cellular carriers and tried their support as well previously...even unplugged house modem and router and PC in entire house and cellphone would just connect all on it's own and not be functioning correctly before, during or afterwards like someone else is using some sort of unknown to me tech like remote control access of all of mine and I don't know anyone even in that industry either or anyone else that would do this or be capable of it even..but I can guess it's to hide their own actions and crimes that they have committed against me and my family members and possibly friends? No idea who, what or why anyone would do this to me or my family members except we are innocent civilians and regular people and to me it just seems like other people totally controlling all my communication to prevent us from getting Human rights...so any help...back when I had home built PC...I know that there was some way to flash a bios but I never have on any cell phone and no idea how anyone would even be able to do that or how or why especially without any permission from me ever...I just buy cellphones whatever one is affordable and they keep breaking them and forcing me to buy new ones and I keep hoping they will work or eventually stop doing this to me and I reported it to FBI , homeland security, cellphone carriers, repair people, I even tried installing cameras in my home to find out how they could possibly be doing this and stealing stuff out of my house as well btw...and I'd check the camera logs and look for video and their wouldn't be anything or any notice ony phone or PC that someone was in my homes stealing from me... could they have turned off my security camera from some places that I know nothing about? Like just continuesly robbed and burglaries and hacked relentlessly and my family members have been as well...and are dead..just death and while this is happening even and being constantly ignored and like people literally pretending that this is okay somehow ?? I never agreed to anything at all nor was I even ever asked...all I have done is try to go to any place that might assist and since tortured about news and media..I would never ****ing speak with them ever and I should be allowed legal help as to why I wouldn't btw.
Excuse me, why would I want to live in an Amish community even though I think they are cool for doing what they believe but I have zero interest in ever becoming one of them.
Also I have not seriously ever considered living off the grid myself btw.
No idea why you would even suggest this to me. Why are you btw?
But how do you know this? What makes you think your phone was hacked?
Any ideas on what to do? I tried going directly into Federal Communication building in Washington DC but security guard there wouldn't even allow me into the building or take a note about who I am and I had tried previously an online form asking them for assistance as well but they never followed up at all btw.
So online forms and in person didn't work...and happens to every phone I use as well and PC. Btw libraries in Washington DC and NYC and Broomfield Colorado either don't give the correct information and have suddenly just turned off on me while using them.
Sometimes my phones when near other people have suddenly looked like a shell script was running on them btw but I don't know anything about how cellphone technology works in slightest and never have nor has anyone ever in my family either...I wonder though why Washington DC and NYC elected politicians and government agencies and law enforcement and legal places from small local ones to big ones don't assist at all..when I can't even think of anything my family members living or dead have done wrong besides I guess being born at all. I get death threats all the time and not suicidal and never have been danger to myself or harm or dangerous to anyone at all btw my entire life except maybe people who are actually torturing people to death and think it's okay to do so...the only people I can possibly think of that would do this to me would have to be dangerous psychopaths criminals themselves or so delusional or greedy sadistic spies only
Any ideas on what to do? I tried going directly into Federal Communication building in Washington DC but security guard there wouldn't even allow me into the building or take a note about who I am and I had tried previously an online form asking them for assistance as well but they never followed up at all btw.
So online forms and in person didn't work...and happens to every phone I use as well and PC. Btw libraries in Washington DC and NYC and Broomfield Colorado either don't give the correct information and have suddenly just turned off on me while using them.
Sometimes my phones when near other people have suddenly looked like a shell script was running on them btw but I don't know anything about how cellphone technology works in slightest and never have nor has anyone ever in my family either...I wonder though why Washington DC and NYC elected politicians and government agencies and law enforcement and legal places from small local ones to big ones don't assist at all..when I can't even think of anything my family members living or dead have done wrong besides I guess being born at all. I get death threats all the time and not suicidal and never have been danger to myself or harm or dangerous to anyone at all btw my entire life except maybe people who are actually torturing people to death and think it's okay to do so...the only people I can possibly think of that would do this to me would have to be dangerous psychopaths criminals themselves or so delusional or greedy sadistic spies only
Or thieves/liars/rapist/murderers/ sadistic ego maniacs/torturers/deluded/dishonest/untrustworthy/unethical/abusive/deceptive/manipulating or to their own gain for very wrong reasons and for so long now that it makes the entire USA look pathetic btw as are apperently people in places of Authority that allowed this to continue without doing anything to stop it..or assist innocent civilians regular people like myself and family who have no idea or knowledge of how anyone else could possibly do this or why they'd even want to.
Or thieves/liars/rapist/murderers/ sadistic ego maniacs/torturers/deluded/dishonest/untrustworthy/unethical/abusive/deceptive/manipulating or to their own gain for very wrong reasons and for so long now that it makes the entire USA look pathetic btw as are apperently people in places of Authority that allowed this to continue without doing anything to stop it..or assist innocent civilians regular people like myself and family who have no idea or knowledge of how anyone else could possibly do this or why they'd even want to.
Also btw tried to leave , just any time I try to leave...they probably make up something else that's false to prevent me and the rest of the USA to even learn what the truth might be at all..total obstruction of any and all justice this entire time. It's why I started wondering if the USA is only run in kangaroo courts now?
ChristineDorotheaRickner, I am only trying to be of help with my suggestion.
I am not Amish, but I do belong to the local Mennonite community in Michigan.
We do use electricity to an extent and grow our own food
ChristineDorotheaRickner, I am only trying to be of help with my suggestion.
I am not Amish, but I do belong to the local Mennonite community in Michigan.
We do use electricity to an extent and grow our own food
Okay cool, glad you do. Not sure how that information is relative to what is happening with me..but thanks for letting me know that.
Also btw tried to leave , just any time I try to leave...they probably make up something else that's false to prevent me and the rest of the USA to even learn what the truth might be at all..total obstruction of any and all justice this entire time. It's why I started wondering if the USA is only run in kangaroo courts now?
Also I even tried following up or getting legal assistance involved in my old work place in pharmacy and wasn't allowed to do that either..I couldn't even be a whistle blower wasn't allowed to be even but that's also cuz I was a victim and not ever a criminal btw. I guess people who are in Power and Authority probably don't want that known or other sadistic medical crimes I have seen and no one has ever allowed me to talk about it in person yet...the FBI has to be corrupt or following orders or something else like that? Cuz it disgusts me cuz it is ripping off every single tax payer in the entire country btw and not once allowed to ever even talk with anyone in person yet? I can understand if you may have heard false information about me as it is very very serious stuff I am referring to as well as I only know my own life and they won't even allow me to be regular around people btw as I used to be able to just get to know other people as well...so please have some amount of consideration btw and I am very mad about how they have forced me to spend money on stuff I never would want to at all or do things I never would want to at all..it's why I keep asking for Human rights and civil rights legal help please and that my electronics don't work correctly either...it's that important that regardless of how someone else (s)? may have tried to impersonate me or steal my identity or lie about me or deceive people about me...I won't stop trying as I know what is truly important that it is for everyone else and never been just about me or someone I know or personal in anyway at least for me.
I might need to apply for Political asylum due to my own government or whomever else involved not allowing me to even get any legal access in at least 7 years and I am an innocent victim, witness and loyal USA citizen by birth and should be plantiff against my own government possibly but can't even find out anything since none of my attempts at trying to actually get really needed help for actual human rights violations commited against me and my family members and possibly friends and who knows how many more people have all been blocked, stolen, intercepted or rerouted ,changed, vanished, altered or something else like that and been especially bad since learned that I am on the Snowden list back in 2015 and worried about how long I have been illegally hacked or on and off..not sure since can't get legal help or rights even. And I'm not a traitor or a spy ...looks like more to me and my family members and possibly friends as living unwilling, no consent, no representation,no knowledge of them doing this until being terrorized and tortured and spied on and still haven't been able to even speak with anyone at all in person face to face yet at all...all legal access has been blocked. Whomever is doing this and has are sadistic murdering torturers thieving lying criminals themselves and not my fault or my family's fault either as well as never volunteered or consented or agreed with anyone at all ever to be a guinea pig for someone's else ever and never leaked my own or anyone's else's information either btw... actually have only tried to get legal help and being ignored is torture treatment as well as not once have I ever even got a phone call back or email or letter or reply or any money or any checks or anything and at all and was never working for anyone illegally ever either or did anything wrong and this is not a scam only worried that people have stolen my identity and been allowed to obviously by my own USA government or other governments as wouldn't they even warn me as well and assist? Why hasn't anyone responded yet in person as all my communication gets hacked or hijacked relentlessly?!? And i never allowed anyone to speak for me or on my behalf ever not even anyone given power of attorney for minute in my life..if anyone has they stole my identity and much more including every minute of my life and especially since 2015 and earlier please send real official help..only requested help that has still never arrived ever at all that I can even understand especially since I need Human face to face verbal communication in English please is required but I'll post on this message board as hopefully it will expose the frauds who are preventing me from obtaining Human rights and civil rights and privacy rights and even common courtesy from anyone as whomever has done this is that frickin mean and I'm not and never have been btw...they use Force/magic/hacking abilities btw and I have nothing to do with that and no one in my family members living or dead has any of those abilities and never has not do I know or friends with anyone that would do this at all in my entire life. Btw I don't discriminate but not sure why or who keeps using that as excuse themselves to prevent me from even reporting human rights violations commited against me and other people.

They're using magic..really?

Unfortunately I'm just an ordinary muggle, so I don't think I can help you there.
They're using magic..really?

Unfortunately I'm just an ordinary muggle, so I don't think I can help you there.
Well if you don't know how any of the tricks of deception are done at all..it certainly very much appears like magic. So me too, regular person here and it's sad that those that do know all those tricks are only using them to deceive people like me and probably you as well. Cept in my case and the medical atrocities committed against me and my family members and possibly friends and probably way more people too...have not once ever been allowed any legal assistance at all yet... total obstruction of all and any justice whatsoever this entire past 7 years of my life people have wasted and continue to murder people and torture and get away with it.
Well if you don't know how any of the tricks of deception are done at all..it certainly very much appears like magic. So me too, regular person here and it's sad that those that do know all those tricks are only using them to deceive people like me and probably you as well. Cept in my case and the medical atrocities committed against me and my family members and possibly friends and probably way more people too...have not once ever been allowed any legal assistance at all yet... total obstruction of all and any justice whatsoever this entire past 7 years of my life people have wasted and continue to murder people and torture and get away with it.

"medical atrocities" :thinking:

United Nations Concerned About Organ Harvesting In China

So far I've managed to avoid problems like these...touch wood. Although I recently had a coronary angiogram, and had two stents inserted.

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I have tried all those things already and just get locked out of my own personal private email accounts and phone numbers.
Even after factory reset and booting up in safe mode on cellphone and no wifi on at all in entire house and no saved local WiFi even on cellphone and had reset factory reset, wifi reset and all of them available on the phone as well as never once rooted anything or any permission to install unauthorized application and only got updates via cellular carriers and tried their support as well previously...even unplugged house modem and router and PC in entire house and cellphone would just connect all on it's own and not be functioning correctly before, during or afterwards like someone else is using some sort of unknown to me tech like remote control access of all of mine and I don't know anyone even in that industry either or anyone else that would do this or be capable of it even..but I can guess it's to hide their own actions and crimes that they have committed against me and my family members and possibly friends? No idea who, what or why anyone would do this to me or my family members except we are innocent civilians and regular people and to me it just seems like other people totally controlling all my communication to prevent us from getting Human rights...so any help...back when I had home built PC...I know that there was some way to flash a bios but I never have on any cell phone and no idea how anyone would even be able to do that or how or why especially without any permission from me ever...I just buy cellphones whatever one is affordable and they keep breaking them and forcing me to buy new ones and I keep hoping they will work or eventually stop doing this to me and I reported it to FBI , homeland security, cellphone carriers, repair people, I even tried installing cameras in my home to find out how they could possibly be doing this and stealing stuff out of my house as well btw...and I'd check the camera logs and look for video and their wouldn't be anything or any notice ony phone or PC that someone was in my homes stealing from me... could they have turned off my security camera from some places that I know nothing about? Like just continuesly robbed and burglaries and hacked relentlessly and my family members have been as well...and are dead..just death and while this is happening even and being constantly ignored and like people literally pretending that this is okay somehow ?? I never agreed to anything at all nor was I even ever asked...all I have done is try to go to any place that might assist and since tortured about news and media..I would never ****ing speak with them ever and I should be allowed legal help as to why I wouldn't btw.
ok you ramble on so many tangents that it's really hard to read your posts. there are no paragraphs. there are no periods. your post is one gigantic run on sentence. i can't help you when you fail to answer my questions. i can't help you if you ramble on about the FBI and such.

you came to Androidforums for help. this community mainly discusses all things related to Android. if you continue to talk about the FBI and Homeland security, i will tune you out and hopefully somebody else can decipher your ramblings.

now please explain how you think your phone is hacked? how do you know this? what issues are you having with your phone?
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