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Help Doid X Boot Menu?


Android Enthusiast
Jul 25, 2010
Issaquah, WA
Sorry if this has been covered, but I can't find anything about it when I search the forum. Under Froyo, when you restart your Droid, holding home and then hitting the search key would get you into the boot menu for resetting the cache, rebooting the phone or applying update.zip.

Under Gingerbread, hitting home (while booting) gets you into the boot menu prompt, but the search key no longer gets you into the menu. Does anyone know the new sequence for getting into the boot menu?


Sorry if this has been covered, but I can't find anything about it when I search the forum. Under Froyo, when you restart your Droid, holding home and then hitting the search key would get you into the boot menu for resetting the cache, rebooting the phone or applying update.zip.

Under Gingerbread, hitting home (while booting) gets you into the boot menu prompt, but the search key no longer gets you into the menu. Does anyone know the new sequence for getting into the boot menu?



Rather than hit search you now press both volume buttons, the power button is now enter also.
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