That was a pretty wacky situation alright. First of all, I don't see why they had the police escort him out for the questions he was asking, that seemed a bit strange. I agree the dude was obnoxios, but then again most political nuts are.
But when the police start to escort you out of the room, who do you yell 'help' to??? Bro the POLICE are escorting you outside, not a pack of street thugs. Who were you expecting to come help you, John Kerry? Usually people don't tackle police officers that are hauling you off the premises in an attempt to free you so that you can ask your questions. I honestly don't know what his expectations were at that point.
Then there's the issue of the police who seemed to have a handle of the situation, and then seemed to lay him down on the ground so that they could taze him for their own satisfaction? I mean he wasn't a steroid freak endangering any of those officers as far as I could tell. He looked like a scrawny College kid with mellow dramatic sense of fear. I honestly didn't see a need to taze that guy.
Kerry throws the best town hall parties!