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Extreme Android User
for anyone trying to download things come tomorrow (4/18/2013) you may face issues. in honor of our nation voting on CISPA tomorrow i will be taking down all files for 24 hours. who is to say that once the monitoring is in place custom roms wont become targets for copyright infringement. as such there wouldnt be any, and i want everyone to enjoy a glimpse into the future.
Hopefully it doesn't pass. It still has to go through the House Vote. And we all know it won't get vetoed.

Here's to the Orwellian future.
Hopefully it doesn't pass. It still has to go through the House Vote. And we all know it won't get vetoed.

Here's to the Orwellian future.

Last I heard Obama said he would veto it if it gets to him. BTW, jackass politician in Michigan believes the only people against this are "14 year olds in their basement"
Sorry, but I would have to say, "F*** THEM." There are other ways to get certain information out.;);)
H-how did he know I'm in a basement...


That was a good one bro! :D

Yet ANOTHER thing the 'do-good' Politicians want to cram down our throats... smh.

I'm so SICK of the insane Politics in this once-upon-a-time Grand Republic.

That was a good one bro! :D

Yet ANOTHER thing the 'do-good' Politicians want to cram down our throats... smh.

I'm so SICK of the insane Politics in this once-upon-a-time Grand Republic.

It's kinda weird...that politician from Michigan...his wife is some kind of head for some private security firm for the government...it couldn't possibly be that he and his wife are doing this for their own gain could it...impossible in a democracy like ours right...:p...
hard to believe something labeled "open source" could have copyright issues lol, I honestly thought this was due to the announcement on goo.im, guess the guy is moving to vegas hahaha..

btw, I believe I was rejected on goo.im lol, never got a response :/ and my xda account doesn't have much credibility.. was only on g1 forums until I moved to metro, and xda doesn't seem to like metro..? :D
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