So you are using a browser, right?
That is what I keep asking.
What app are you using?
- a browser.
What browser are you using?
I don't mind that you don't want the app- I don't either.
But I need to know what we are working with so that I can try to help you.
Anyway, from what I gather here, you are using a browser to view Facebook, and you want to download pictures and are having difficulty doing so recently.
Now, two things.
Pictures tend to be pretty easy to download.
At the very least, you can screenshot the page and then edit the picture so that it no longer looks like a screenshot.
Generally this works fine for memes and such.
Second, Facebook has made it increasingly difficult to download videos.
It can still be done, however often the video and audio will be downloaded as separate files- and you have to reassemble them yourself.
Although a pain, it can be done with suitable results right on your phone.
Since you mentioned pictures, let's start with that.
I am going to open FB in my browser on another device right now, and see if I can download a meme or something that someone else has posted.
While I do so, I am going to type what I am doing.
Remember that I am using IDM+, and an older, modded version from what is normally available (the standard app abides by FB terms and services, and so may not download from there.)
1. open IDM+
2. use FB bookmark
3. log in
4. found meme immediately
5. tap the picture
6. long press 'view full size'
7. select 'Open in new tab
8. long press the picture
9. select 'Download image'
Image is downloaded.
It has been this way since I started using this app, so I see nothing new here in how it is accomplished.
Yes, that seems like a lot of steps to take, but really, after some practice, it only takes seconds.
So, now that I know it still works with IDM+, I know it will work with Lightning- the browser that I suggest to anyone that is having difficulty with their browser.
The reason that I know it will work is because the browser that is used in IDM+ is a modded version of Lightning.
So the steps would be exactly the same as above.
My guess is that your browser would work too, if you added the step of 'view full size' and long pressed the picture and then tapped 'Download image'.