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Droid Apps Suck Compared to iPhone

I own an iPhone 3Gs and I have used or played with several Android phones. Many of the apps I have seen on Android are just as good as the iPhone counterpart. Also, the problem of an app not doing what you thought it would after you bought it is not unique to Android. It's happened to me on several occasions with iPhone apps and I had no recourse.
I own an iPhone 3Gs and I have used or played with several Android phones. Many of the apps I have seen on Android are just as good as the iPhone counterpart. Also, the problem of an app not doing what you thought it would after you bought it is not unique to Android. It's happened to me on several occasions with iPhone apps and I had no recourse.

I use sites like Phandroid to get recommendations for apps I never thought of. Other than that I check out the developer's other apps and their website for further information about the specific app I'm interested in. Most of the really good apps also have information rich websites, but not all.

One thing every Android user seems to agree on is that Google definitely needs to organize their market better. For cryin' out loud they are a SEARCH company, this should be second nature to them. I usually explore apps on Androlib, but Phandroid's App Store is really coming along.
Well, I didn't accuse you of anything, but I appreciate the apology. So let me get this straight. You're trying to create a shortcut to a single contact, but with a different number than that which comes up automatically? Or are you trying to create a contact shortcut that has a shared phone number for multiple people? Or are you trying to create multiple individual contact shortcuts that dial an alternative phone number than their usual phone number? I'm still not totally clear on that.

You do know that within regular Android, no alternative like Better cuts, you can edit your contact info directly in Contacts to use a different phone number than the one first listed, right? Then just create a shortcut to that Contact.

What I wish to do is as follows. I want to take one of the screens, docks or whatever you want to call it and have it be icon shortcuts to call one specific number to the people I most frequently contact. I know you can do that with the standard MotoBlur but it seems there is the alternative of leaving the icon very large (consumes too much screen space) or having it small where all that appears is the first name. That absolutely works except that you apparently can't customize the icon such that it would give first initial last name, first name last name initial or to make the font smaller. As you would have it, several of the people I want to put on this screen share the same first name.

I made an app request "how to" in another forum here and someone suggested Bettercut. I downloaded to try it. With the brief description given, it sounded perfect. Unfortunately, it didn't work either. Not sure if this is a problem specific to DroidX or what as other people sing the praises of that app. I'm also disappointed at just how buggy some of the software is. Try loading ADW.Launcher and LauncherPro onto the Droid. I also installed HomeSwitcher which is supposed to make it easy to manage and switch between the three. Yeah, right.

I guess I'm just shocked a bit by how limited this is. This seems to me to be something many people would want to do and it certainly isn't rocket science.

I would add that I did get an automated email just a few minutes ago saying that the one app for expense tracking would be refunded.
droidx_fan: I just did this on my phone, its easy to do and I would be happy to help you do it.
1. From the home screen, hold down and on the menu that appears select shortcuts
2. Select Better Cut from the menu
3. Select Direct Call
4. Select the Person whom you want the shortcut to be for
5.Change theName if you want to, then hit the "Change Icon" button
6. Select any picture you have, or use an icon pack.
7. Click Create
8. Hit the Home key

The shortcut should be on your homescreen now, with your custom Icon and when you press it it will call that person.
To DroidX_Fan:
This topic is in the Tips and Tricks section, don't know if you had a chance to look at it, but it shows a lot of what can be done with both Bettercut and Launcher Pro (Launcher Pro is free).

Thanks to Airmaxx 23 for this topic.

You notice, he didn't show how to use Bettercut for the Direct Call? Perhaps what he did actually worked, I don't know. Unfortunately, it wasn't applicable to what I am trying to do.
droidx_fan: I just did this on my phone, its easy to do and I would be happy to help you do it.
1. From the home screen, hold down and on the menu that appears select shortcuts
2. Select Better Cut from the menu
3. Select Direct Call
4. Select the Person whom you want the shortcut to be for
5.Change theName if you want to, then hit the "Change Icon" button
6. Select any picture you have, or use an icon pack.
7. Click Create
8. Hit the Home key

The shortcut should be on your homescreen now, with your custom Icon and when you press it it will call that person.

Thanks for the attempt. I followed those steps exactly. Problem is, when I got to step 4, it would show one contact and one contact only. There wasn't any way I could find to get to all my contacts. I could change the name and I could change the icon but I would still end up with a new icon, right name but the phone number would be of the one person shown when I got to step 4.
So you're saying that when you hit Direct Call it won't let you pick from your whole contacts list?
I was a little confused by your last message, sorry.
So you're saying that when you hit Direct Call it won't let you pick from your whole contacts list?
I was a little confused by your last message, sorry.

Gnomes, yes, that is exactly what happened. I thought it might be a problem with Launcher Pro so I used the Home Switcher app to go back to the default Moto UI. Same thing there. I tried it probably a dozen or more times in both UI's to see if I missed something.

I'm still guessing it is a bug related to Moto.
Sorry for the double post, but I believe that your problem is due to Better Cut reading only your Google contacts and not your phone contacts.
To remedy this, go to Settings>Accounts> Tap your gmail account> Check Sync Contacts.
It may take a few minutes after that for it to show up, but that should make your phone contacts into Google contacts, and then they should show up into Better Cut.

I'll continue trying to help until it works! I want everyone to appreciate the Android Platform :D
Sorry for the double post, but I believe that your problem is due to Better Cut reading only your Google contacts and not your phone contacts.
To remedy this, go to Settings>Accounts> Tap your gmail account> Check Sync Contacts.
It may take a few minutes after that for it to show up, but that should make your phone contacts into Google contacts, and then they should show up into Better Cut.

I'll continue trying to help until it works! I want everyone to appreciate the Android Platform :D

I'll leave it in your capable hands as I have no experience with Better Cuts. Heck, I'd just use Voice Dial and say both first and last names to distinguish.
Sorry for the double post, but I believe that your problem is due to Better Cut reading only your Google contacts and not your phone contacts.
To remedy this, go to Settings>Accounts> Tap your gmail account> Check Sync Contacts.
It may take a few minutes after that for it to show up, but that should make your phone contacts into Google contacts, and then they should show up into Better Cut.

I'll continue trying to help until it works! I want everyone to appreciate the Android Platform :D

Gnomes, you have been extremely polite and helpful, thank you very much! I use MS Exchange Server, I don't really even want my contacts on Google. But I can also tell you the one contact that did show up is not in Google Contacts. I just checked however and see that Sync Contacts is checked in the settings you suggested.
Have somewhat limited exposure but what I do have on Android Apps is not positive. The Apple Apps store is far superior to what you get with AppBrain and Market. The Android Apps always give a very vague and sketchy description, next to impossible to get details of what it does.

I bought Bettercut and Cashbook - Expense Tracker, both sucked in a big way. Already uninstalled both.

The open architecture of Android is a great concept and I love my DroidX. I hope the apps come along soon to make the whole thing complete.

Thats your VERY LIMITED opinion based off how may days of usage? And how many different Android devices have you had? I used an iPhone the other day and didnt like the App Store, everything cost money even stupid apps, the apps it did have were all talk and no substance. So as you can see thats your opinion, not fact.
Thats your VERY LIMITED opinion based off how may days of usage? And how many different Android devices have you had? I used an iPhone the other day and didnt like the App Store, everything cost money even stupid apps, the apps it did have were all talk and no substance. So as you can see thats your opinion, not fact.

I guess you apparently have a reading comprehension problem so I'll go back through it real slow for you, okay?

2 weeks with Hinc would = 14 days
3 weeks with Evo would = 21 days
2 days with DroidX = 2 days.

Total = 37 days

So while that isn't a long, long time it is certainly sufficient for me to have tried a lot of different apps. I mentioned two that were frankly downright rancid that I tried today. I didn't feel it would be valuable to provide a 3 page detailed list, particularly since people like you apparently only read the parts you wish to.

The fact is, there are still a lot of aspects of the Droid platform that leave a lot to be desired and lack the pure simplicity of the iPhone OS. That is, to a degree, expected, it hasn't been around as long. And a OS is much more complex than a simple app to keep your expenses or make a customized shortcut.

The apps I referred to did cost money. I could frankly care less if they cost money as long as they work correctly and provide productivity value.

Look at the issues I described with Bettercut. Those aren't opinion, they are FACT dude.

Now go back and have a glass of droidkoolaid pal, if I want a response that lacks zero value, I'll IM you.
I guess you apparently have a reading comprehension problem so I'll go back through it real slow for you, okay?

2 weeks with Hinc would = 14 days
3 weeks with Evo would = 21 days
2 days with DroidX = 2 days.

Total = 37 days

So while that isn't a long, long time it is certainly sufficient for me to have tried a lot of different apps. I mentioned two that were frankly downright rancid that I tried today. I didn't feel it would be valuable to provide a 3 page detailed list, particularly since people like you apparently only read the parts you wish to.

The fact is, there are still a lot of aspects of the Droid platform that leave a lot to be desired and lack the pure simplicity of the iPhone OS. That is, to a degree, expected, it hasn't been around as long. And a OS is much more complex than a simple app to keep your expenses or make a customized shortcut.

The apps I referred to did cost money. I could frankly care less if they cost money as long as they work correctly and provide productivity value.

Look at the issues I described with Bettercut. Those aren't opinion, they are FACT dude.

Now go back and have a glass of droidkoolaid pal, if I want a response that lacks zero value, I'll IM you.

37 Days and you're expert enough to open an iPhone fanboy thread saying that the Android Market sucks compared to Apples App Store? Thats funny considering its an open market where as the Apple store is run by a gestapo of right wing nazis who decide on what youshould have on yourhone and what you shouldnt. I've had every Android Verizon markets since I work for them, and I've heard developers left and right tell us they jumped the apple prison for freedom in the Android market. As far as Bettercut thats also your experience and opinion. I have bettercut and haven't had any problems with it. All I'm saying is this thread serves NO PURPOSE what so ever. It doesnt educate anyone on the use of the Droid X, it doesnt give any hard factual evidence as to superiority other than your own experience. Not to mention the amount of devices you've had in 37 days shows you just aren't happy with Android period. SO if you're sooo happy with the Iphone go to their forums and use their phone. Just don't hold the phone without a bumper if you want to make a call and have fun waiting for something to download on a congested network.
37 Days and you're expert enough to open an iPhone fanboy thread saying that the Android Market sucks compared to Apples App Store? Thats funny considering its an open market where as the Apple store is run by a gestapo of right wing nazis who decide on what youshould have on yourhone and what you shouldnt. I've had every Android Verizon markets since I work for them, and I've heard developers left and right tell us they jumped the apple prison for freedom in the Android market. As far as Bettercut thats also your experience and opinion. I have bettercut and haven't had any problems with it. All I'm saying is this thread serves NO PURPOSE what so ever. It doesnt educate anyone on the use of the Droid X, it doesnt give any hard factual evidence as to superiority other than your own experience. Not to mention the amount of devices you've had in 37 days shows you just aren't happy with Android period. SO if you're sooo happy with the Iphone go to their forums and use their phone. Just don't hold the phone without a bumper if you want to make a call and have fun waiting for something to download on a congested network.

You picked a very appropriate handle boy. And your post contributes to the DroidX how? Have you used Bettercut on the DroidX attempting to do what I described as a problem? Or not? If not, how can you possibly criticize me when you are basically clueless as to the facts?

Thanks for the laughs kid, really. BTW, try that return key now and then when posting a bunch of long winded crapola. Remember paragraph breaks from high school, obviously, that wasn't that long ago for you.
I guess you apparently have a reading comprehension problem so I'll go back through it real slow for you, okay?

2 weeks with Hinc would = 14 days
3 weeks with Evo would = 21 days
2 days with DroidX = 2 days.

Total = 37 days

So while that isn't a long, long time it is certainly sufficient for me to have tried a lot of different apps. I mentioned two that were frankly downright rancid that I tried today. I didn't feel it would be valuable to provide a 3 page detailed list, particularly since people like you apparently only read the parts you wish to.

The fact is, there are still a lot of aspects of the Droid platform that leave a lot to be desired and lack the pure simplicity of the iPhone OS. That is, to a degree, expected, it hasn't been around as long. And a OS is much more complex than a simple app to keep your expenses or make a customized shortcut.

The apps I referred to did cost money. I could frankly care less if they cost money as long as they work correctly and provide productivity value.

Look at the issues I described with Bettercut. Those aren't opinion, they are FACT dude.

Now go back and have a glass of droidkoolaid pal, if I want a response that lacks zero value, I'll IM you.

Bettercut has almost 2000 ratings and a total of 4 out of 5 stars so it's definitely worth the money to a lot of people. The other app is newer but is rated even higher. Because it didn't work out for you doesn't mean it's crap.

Besides, why are you sticking with Android? You seem to be comparing everything to Apple so why not just jump the fence?
Gnomes, you have been extremely polite and helpful, thank you very much! I use MS Exchange Server, I don't really even want my contacts on Google. But I can also tell you the one contact that did show up is not in Google Contacts. I just checked however and see that Sync Contacts is checked in the settings you suggested.

Interesting, I'll keep checking to see if there could be another problem. I also have the X and am able to do what you are trying to do so I don't understand what the difference could be. I have a Droid Eris also and I can do it on there too. Will keep trying.

Edit: Just found this, may work for you.
Shortcuts>Better Cut> Other available shortcut
After that tap Contact
Hit the Contact you want the shortcut to
Change Icon and Name if you want to
Hit Create

This will not call them directly, but it will bring up all of their contact information, including a phone button to call them from that screen.
I have to say that currently, the iphone marketplace is better in the sense that it has more of the mainstream apps that I want:

e.g. Chase mobile banking; American Express mobile app; awesomenote or todo

I am really missing those 4 apps, and those were pretty essential for me. Everything else I can live without.

The Android marketplace is better in the sense that it is more "open" and you can get things that the apple market wouldn't have (things to customize your phone).

The Apple experience is more polished, whereas the android experience is more utility/customizable that is rough around the edges.

Maybe in 1-2 years, with more development, the android market can fully take over the iphone market.
You picked a very appropriate handle boy. And your post contributes to the DroidX how? Have you used Bettercut on the DroidX attempting to do what I described as a problem? Or not? If not, how can you possibly criticize me when you are basically clueless as to the facts?

Thanks for the laughs kid, really. BTW, try that return key now and then when posting a bunch of long winded crapola. Remember paragraph breaks from high school, obviously, that wasn't that long ago for you.

Nice deflection, didn't know we were writing a topic thesis here just posting in a forum. 85+% of all application and device issues are user error. Bottom line like it, don't like it, we don't care. IF you have a tip or trick that adds to the Droid X we welcome that input. Otherwise return it and quit complaining.
Nice deflection, didn't know we were writing a topic thesis here just posting in a forum. 85+% of all application and device issues are user error. Bottom line like it, don't like it, we don't care. IF you have a tip or trick that adds to the Droid X we welcome that input. Otherwise return it and quit complaining.

Sorry dude, I must have missed the thread where someone died and made you King. I'm also very pleased to understand how YOU speak for everyone. Thanks for your constructive input, tips and tricks on this thread. Can you also refer me to the statistically significant study that proves 85% plus of all application and device issues are user error? That sounds like Apple saying the antenna problem is user error. LMAO Or do you think that 85% of the iPhone4 antenna problems are user error and 15% are real?

Let me make a suggestion for you angry little boy. If you don't like my thread, spend your time elsewhere reading tips and tricks. Thanks for making a fool of yourself, I've enjoyed the entertainment.
The one thing I don't like about the Android Market, which is very similar to BlackBerry App World, is that if you uninstall an app, it stays in your list of programs. I wish it would go away after you uninstall it.
Interesting, I'll keep checking to see if there could be another problem. I also have the X and am able to do what you are trying to do so I don't understand what the difference could be. I have a Droid Eris also and I can do it on there too. Will keep trying.

Edit: Just found this, may work for you.
Shortcuts>Better Cut> Other available shortcut
After that tap Contact
Hit the Contact you want the shortcut to
Change Icon and Name if you want to
Hit Create

This will not call them directly, but it will bring up all of their contact information, including a phone button to call them from that screen.

I tried that one as well. Still got the one contact only to come up. Even so, getting the contact shortcut where all it does is brings up the contact and still having to click the phone button doesn't achieve what I am looking for. I can get that done with one of the standard widgets.
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