Flash tho isn't a big deal anymore. Most sites conform for apple right or wrong unless there's an app. I never had one time where I had a site not play.
No idea what you mean by rating. Explain that one further.
As for alt browsers and such.... At least my iPhone had gtalk video chat. Sort of a black eye for google. Vtolk I think the app was. And it is in the normal app store.
I'm not a fanboy for either. I just think the silly comments some make are unfounded and people who ask for info should get non biased info. Not stuff like 16 year old girl comments.
A phone doesn't make the man. If it does that other poster has bigger issues lol.
I guess at the end of the day, charge or iPhone, I would say it depends on how you will use the phone. They are both very good.
If you love iTunes and apps it's the iPhone. Or if your friends have iPhones and you want FaceTime.
If you dont and love 4g speed and most mainstream apps get the Charge.
It also depends on what kind of apps. Apple has more food ordering apps lol. I miss the chipotle app haha.