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"Droid incredible discontinued"


Android Enthusiast
According to best but and all the verizon stores in my area, they are not sold out, out back ordered but discontinued and no longer sell them. I learned this in an attempt to trade my X for one.
Well here in florida they are not ordering anymore locally and will not even put me on a waiting list. But my friend at cellular sales in nh says he got a bunch in, so we shall see I guess. Problem is I was told by multiple stores.
That's very strange if true. But didn't HTC say that they were changing the screens on them? Why would they report that, but then end up discontinuing them?
Why would they discontinue an extremely successful handset after 4 months? That doesn't make much sense.
They're not accepting anymore sales for the Inc or X, all current shipment go to pre order and people on the waiting list. Maybe after they catch up in supplies they'll acceot more customers
They're not accepting anymore sales for the Inc or X, all current shipment go to pre order and people on the waiting list. Maybe after they catch up in supplies they'll acceot more customers

This makes sense. They are discontinuing orders for the time being
Like most salesman, they are probably telling you what they think will get you to buy a phone right now. With the slow/limited supply, they would rather you think they are discontinued, so you believe there is no way you can get an Incredible, then you will buy another phone they have in stock.

FYI- On VZW website, I was able to put it in my cart, and begin to finalize the order, so it looks like VZW is still accepting orders.
Maybe the incredible is dead as we know it....changing the name when the new screened phone is available. I know I would be kinda angry I my "Inc" came with an LCD instead of the AMOLED screen.

And don't you think they would still take preorders for the phone...seems silly to stop taking orders all together.
I know I would be kinda angry I my "Inc" came with an LCD instead of the AMOLED screen.

According to HTC is has similiar power characteristics and comparable visuals. I prefer AOLED because it consumes less power, so if S-LCD comsumes very little as well I wouldn't mind having an LCD screen, then I wouldn't have to worry about my screen burning in, and I can leave desk clock on when it's charging at night.
I successfully ordered one off vzw.com Thursday night. Got a shipping notification today. I'm shocked, but I won't complain. :)
Discontinued a phone that has a mass recall or two. Sounds so weird... Make customers wait a month or two our recall and go back to the drawing boards? Maybe.
Discontinued a phone that has a mass recall or two. Sounds so weird... Make customers wait a month or two our recall and go back to the drawing boards? Maybe.
Mass recall??

Mass waiting list to get one has been the big issue. More people want one than they can manufacture fast enough or keep in stock.
A upgrade to the Samsung 4" OLED screen would be awesome though !!
They are on a long waiting list because of the screen, which they are having trouble supplying. A screen worthy for the eris alone us a hundred bucks, how much would it cost for millions of incredible screens?
Yeah, I asked at my local Verizon Store if the Incredible was indeed discontinued, it seems to just be a rumor. They're just back ordered for the next 7000 years... Exaggerating obviously.
They are on a long waiting list because of the screen, which they are having trouble supplying. A screen worthy for the eris alone us a hundred bucks, how much would it cost for millions of incredible screens?

Sure, there are screen supply issues (Samsung is hogging all their screens for themselves), so they are switching to a Sony SLCD, but I haven't heard anything about recalls on the Incredible, could you clear that statement up?
> Discontinued a phone that has a mass recall or two. Sounds so weird....

What mass recall you are talking about ? There's no recall on the red hot Incredible.

Can you give us your source to support your claim before spreading another rumor ? :confused:
I ordered my Dinc on 7-21 direct through Verizon online, received it on 7-28 by FedEx, a full week ahead of the predicted 8-3 ship date.

What an awesome little gadget so far !
My dad just bought 2 Incredibles on 7-30-10.....not discontinued....I bet they held up by Samsung....who manufactures the AMOLED screens......probly the same size on the new Samsung phone and the incredible.....samsung probly can't keep up with production for both phones....so HTC is changing the screen.....maybe....just a guess on my part????
I just got one ordered yesterday (swapped out from one week old Moto Droid with sound issues. go figure). I even asked about the original Droid being discontinued, and was told "as long as a phone still sells, it will not be discontinued" by the tech support agent.

I was also told that i will get my Incredible on Wednesday. Woo hoo!
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