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droid newbie


Nov 28, 2009
Coming over from BB World Edition (which i absolutely hated). My wife had the BB Curve. I now have the Droid, and she has the Eris. We have had our phones for 2 days now, and already love them both! I am looking forward to learning a lot in here, and getting to know my Droid more and more. Thanks in advance for any help you may offer...
Coming over from BB World Edition (which i absolutely hated). My wife had the BB Curve. I now have the Droid, and she has the Eris. We have had our phones for 2 days now, and already love them both! I am looking forward to learning a lot in here, and getting to know my Droid more and more. Thanks in advance for any help you may offer...

Welcome to the AF forums and enjoy your visits !! :cool:
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