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Help DROID Turbo notification sound and other sound issues

Hello All,

For the past week my DROID Turbo has been doing something odd. After being on for a few hours and acting normally, suddenly the volume of sounds for notifications like SMS, e-mail, and others drops severely. It's not gone entirely but it goes from about a 10 to a 2 without warning or explanation. In settings all volumes are turned up to maximum and should be at a normal volume. I've also noticed that the audio on Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook videos are suffering from the same volume drop. Oddly enough when calls come in the ringer still rings at full volume. And the volume of calls both on earpiece and speakerphone are normal.

Does anyone have any idea what's going on or how to fix it?
There are seven volume controls on your phone. Mu GUESS is that some app you are running lowering the Notification volume and not touching the others.

a – alarm volume 0-7
c – in-call volume 0-7
d – DRMF volume 0-15
m – media volume 0-15
n – notification volume 0-7
r – ringer volume 0-7
s – system volume 0-7​

If you run in Safe Mode and it stops you will know that you have a bad app.

... Thom
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