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Help Dx2 crashes every minute or two

having major issues with my dx2. When I try to play games they have a very hard time opening,most time I force close them 3+ times before they open. Then after opening they force close after a minute or two. This is a ongoing process I endure all day wherever I'm at,good network connection or bad,that doesn't seem to matter. And my social apps are the same,crash crash,crash!!! Oh the agony and stress.. its defiantly the worst when sending and receiving messages. Any help/input would be greatly appreciated ..

Welcome to AF Itisonlymee!! Glad to have you here and sorry you are having crashing issues.
Have you tried a hard reset? Pull battery (if possible) wait a minute, then reinsert battery.
Or a factory reset...but you will lose your data, apps etc. :( But if it helps, that may be a solution.
Here is a link to your phones forum to see if others have the same issue :)
Motorola Droid X2 - Android Forums

Is your phone stock or rooted at all?
I have tried several things including removing the battery. I've cleared caches also,don't think I want to do a reset. I will check the forums and see what there, thx.
Yes, the phone is stock. I've been researching, trying to figure this out.. there has to be something out there ,I just dont want to lose everything on my phone. Although cyanogen mod 7.2 sounds kinda interesting.
Did you move any of those crashing apps to the sd card? If so, move them back to phone and see if that helps.

Edit: or do you have any task killer installed? If so, uninstall the task killer...no need for those
having major issues with my dx2. When I try to play games they have a very hard time opening,most time I force close them 3+ times before they open. Then after opening they force close after a minute or two. This is a ongoing process I endure all day wherever I'm at,good network connection or bad,that doesn't seem to matter. And my social apps are the same,crash crash,crash!!! Oh the agony and stress.. its defiantly the worst when sending and receiving messages. Any help/input would be greatly appreciated ..

Hello and welcome aboard. :)

Your device might have been corrupted or an installed app has gone rogue.

Another option (if not doing a reset) would be to uninstall all your installed applications until you find the culprit.

Note: If push come to shove, you just might have to clear storage to get things back to normal.

Best of luck.
Uninstalled quite a few apps. Nothing yet for progress.gonna try doing something with the task killer. Don't know if I can uninstall it tho,it came built in but I'll check that out.
Looks like I'm going to try a reset/wipe. Is there anything I can do to save my pics and music and contacts?? Been trying to share my files with SD card but it doesn't seem possible. Any last help would be appreciated .. thx
Looks like I'm going to try a reset/wipe. Is there anything I can do to save my pics and music and contacts?? Been trying to share my files with SD card but it doesn't seem possible. Any last help would be appreciated .. thx

Sorry for the late reply, I moved your thread there for your device.
Your pics and music should be already on your sd card.
Your contacts should be synced with your google account, if, when you entered a contact from your phone, you saved it to google.

Everything has been synced and backed up to my Google accounts, think I'm going for it,scary!! Wish me luck....

lol...good luck:)
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