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Early Birds Crime Fighters

Something crazy just happened to me with my Credit Union. I normally just use my debit card for cash at a bank ATM. I use a credit card for purchases

About 3 months ago I ordered a new debit card because the chip stopped working. I received my new debit card in 5 days. Will call this card 7990

Today I received another new debit card. I thought it was odd Will call this card 0045

I called my credit union and they said card 7990 was my newest debit card. They said card 0045 was issued in 2021 and have no idea why I got that card today

The only thing I can think of is, around 2021 I was in a hurray and used my debit card at a gas station in Texas. Turns out it had a skimmer and unauthorized charges starting popping up on the card.

I'm wondering now if the 0045 credit card was put through by crooks on the black web, hoping I would activate it so they could use it for fraud?
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