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Help EAS "Push" not true push after hard reset - syncing multiple times per minute

Phone: HTC Desire Z Vodafone
ROM: Vodafone Gingerbread 2.3.3 (No further updates available)

Hi all,

Had to hard reset (through the menu, not hardware button combo) my DZ today as it froze upon installation of apps last night (completely unresponsive, nothing worked, even left it for 5 minutes) and so pulled the battery and went to bed. Powered on this morning (I don't use Fast-boot by the way) to find some apps wouldn't work/load. So I backed up what I could and bit the bullet.

Got everything set up and proceeded to set up my Exchange Active Sync email/calendar. All worked sweet as hoped, set to push. However I noticed the sync icon kept popping up far too regularly for Push after the initial big sync and checked the Accounts page to watch how often - up to 5 times a minute!

I had this on an old WinMo handset that claimed to do push, but was in fact syncing every minute to emulate push - and thereby draining the battery. I put that down to the phone not being able to do it.

But with my DZ I had it working fine as Push should with this exact same account, and nothing has changed on the Server side either (I am the admin of that too). I cannot for the life of me fathom why it's not doing true push, even if I set both Peak and Off Peak to push and set the Off Peak timing to effectively be 24h.

Has anyone had similar? I'd really like to get this back to how it was as it is my work email and used to work a treat for that purpose!


Karl :)


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