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Help Email Account issue

Im having trouble adding an email account to my rezound. My work has sent out personal email addresses to all the employees including myself that run off of googles gmail and I need to add to this to my account list in my rezound to keep me updated. Basically the email is myname@mycompany.net. I can sign in no problem if I sign in through googles gmail page, but if I try to make a new email account with that email I get an error that says Cannot connect to the mail server to verify your account information. ON the account settings in the rezound I have it set as Protocol = POP, pop server = gmail.com, security type = none and server port 110. I have also tried setting it up as a gmail account on the rezound but it just says the username and password you entered did not authenticate with your email provider (even though I triple checked the correct username and password).
I'm unfamiliar with pulling mail from a sub google mail account. I'm fairly certain the reason you are getting the error with the username and password is most likely caused by the rezound. Your original google information is stored within the phone and is input instead of your new account information. It's a common problem we see when members typo their info when setting up their google accounts. Once the phone has the information you have to clear the cache to change it. For a second account you might look at this link. I hope that it helps.
Well I deleted my gmail account on my phone and cleared the cache but its still exactly the same as before I cant add my work email account, that's ok though because I found a simple solution. I have mail forwarding setup so any incoming messages from my work email account go to my regular gmail account. Thanks for your help
Well, there are several problems here... the first is that you should not use POP with GMail, you are kind of defeating the whole benefit of GMail, use IMAP. Also note that GMail does not use "standard" ports for POP3/SMTP, you need to use 995 for POP3 with SSL Authentication and 465 for SMTP with SSL.

A quick Googling of setting up GMail as POP3 or IMAP will get you the necessary instructions quite quickly.
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