Burt (or Ivan), have you heard anything back from Fictionwise about updates/bug fixes to the 1.0.39 eReader for Android beta? It sure would be nice to have the Look Up function working fully properly. I use my MW College Dictionary for Look Up within an ebook for singular (not plural) words. Plurals result in "Definition not found." It would be so nice to have that fixed!
Now I'm getting pissed.
I sent the following question to Fictionwise:
"Is there any word on when you will have an
eReader-compatible dictionary with direct look up
functionality for the Droid?"
I got this response:
"Version 1.0.39 supports the 'integrated dictionary' feature:
eReader.com: eReader Rewards FAQ
The reference books listed on the following page will work with the 'integrated dictionary' feature on eReader for Android 1.0.39 or later:
eReader.com: Dictionaries and Thesauri"
So I gleefully downloaded 1.0.39 and installed it (lost all my bookmarks in the process, but that's another story). Then I bought Webster's New World College Dictionary and installed it.
Are you ready? Absolutely no change in behavior. It shows exactly the same lack of functionality as before (no plurals, no variants, chopping off long definitions, etc.). In short, it is useless.
Now I have to go through the hassle of trying to get my money back (again).
If anyone discovers a dictionary that works, please post here.
Enough spleen for now.