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Eris actual talk time


Android Expert
Ok I've read a gazillion threads on battery life and 2.1 etc etc and you have me all waiting anxiously for an update and bigger batteries but what about actual talk time on the phone? didnt see any threads about that. Its not uncommon for my phone to be a toy all week then on the weekend catch up with some buds or family or whatever and yak on the thing for 2 hours straight. Will it hold? I know my old razr with an ext batt would go 4 hours talk time easy, glimmer would do 2.5 hrs easy with stock battery sometimes more. Pearl did well, havent really talked the Storm out cause its my work phone and I tend to shun that thing on the weekends :p....so let me know how long you've talked on it! Battery life does seem to stink but I can't put the damn thing down so I'm sure that has something to do with it and all my other smartphones sucked battery wise too the first week or so, so I'm not passing judgement yet, just want to know how long i can talk on the thing before it dies....I will do my own testing soon but would like some ideas.
It all depends on how much you have actively running on your phone. If you turn off your 3G, I'm sure you could talk for quite some time. There are already extended batteries available: 1750 mAh and 3500 mAh (compared to the stock 1300 mAh).
Well as the att commercials so proudly let us know, while talking none of the network stuff is happening anyway! :P If I can have a good solid 2+ hr conversation on the thing I'll be happy. just trying to see if anyone has "talked the battery out" in one call (or a couple calls during a short time) and how long the call(s) were.
I talked to a friend of mine yesterday for a little over an hour. My phone had been off the charger and relatively unused for at least 4 hours prior to the conversation. I still had plenty of battery left.
Just checked my call logs from yesterday. On 11 incoming/outgoing calls, I spent 2 hours and 22 minutes on the phone. Had a full charge at 8:00am and about a 20% charge at midnight with a moderate amount of text/email/web usage throughout the day. Definitely not the greatest battery life in the world, but it's more than sufficient in my opinion.

Coming from a BB Storm as well, I would say the Eris has about 75% the life of the Storm battery. Although, it's hard to even compare the two. The Storm can't do half the things the Eris can do, even while running 1.5.
"Actual talk time" is also affected by your location (how hard is it for the phone to find a signal), environment (temprature of the battry), and many other factors.

The exact same battery will vary on performance based on the factors listed above, so there is no one answer to your question
4 hours max from full charge to nothing, but a typical 2 hours of conversion on the weekend is definitely do-able.

For me though, I just keep it charged and use my bluetooth enabled home-phone if at home if holding a good long conversation like on a weekend. And with the google voice, the both ring, so it's not like too hard to switch between them.
don't need hard numbers and I'm aware signal strength comes into play. Just looking for some comparisons that are useful.
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