Ok so I have been searching for weeks now on this topic. Obviously it is unlawful to clone another cellular device to abuse someone else in anyway whether it be monitoring or using another individuals plan. I have yet to come across anything stating it is unlawful to modify the ESN of a cellular device in the instance of using a phone YOU OWN as a doner, then changing the ESN of another phone YOU OWN. Reasoning may be you want a better phone and your current service provider doesn't sell it.
The only issue I can think one could run into is with the service provider.
Say you are on a GSM network. People all over swap SIMs. The SIM is your ID on the network, other than the IMEI, which I can see no reason to change that.
Could someone post a link of anything to prove that modifying your ESN is illegal in every way??
The only issue I can think one could run into is with the service provider.
Say you are on a GSM network. People all over swap SIMs. The SIM is your ID on the network, other than the IMEI, which I can see no reason to change that.
Could someone post a link of anything to prove that modifying your ESN is illegal in every way??
