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Help Even Wall charger can't keep up.

I have an HTC Thunderbolt non rooted on VZW. I've been experiencing severe battery drain. I always kept GPS, Wifi, and Bluetooth off unless I was using them. Location services used to stay on until...

About a month ago (right after I installed Words with friends and Draw Something because I didn't know any better), the USB charger couldn't keep up. I used to be able to listen to Pandora all day long with it plugged into USB charger on my computer and never lose a percent. (As a side note, it would charge on the UBS cable but stopped months before connecting to PC where it would previously connect on the same cable.) Android OS was major culprit of battery usage. I've since learned what Words and DS do to batteries, and quit using them (didn't uninstall tho.) After a few days the battery drain seemed better, but I found a wall charger at goodwill for $1 so I thought I'd use that instead anyway.

It's been ok the last few weeks, Fast forward to yesterday, I haven't installed anything new (have uninstalled Words and Draw), locations services are off, as is GPS, BT, and WiFi. Now even turning on Airplane mode, the wall charger can't keep up. I charge this thing every night on a wall charger and it's always 100% when I wake up. Already by 9 o'clock this morning it was down to 52% (In 2 1/2 hours with minimal usage. Not even listening to Pandora). If it wasn't for my home charger, this thing would be a door stop.

Here is the funny thing. when I saw it was down to 52%, I looked at battery usage. Yup, Android OS using 45% of battery. So I thought I'd reboot and see if that would help. Shut it down, and when it comes back on... 18% battery. What? It used 34% of the battery rebooting?? As I typed this its gone down 7% sitting there on the charger in Airplane mode.

Anyone have any options for increasing the life of this thing? I'm desperate.
Well, been three weeks, here is an update... After a few days (since last post) of it being dead by 10 o'clock and having no pandora I thought i'd try to see if a new charger would do the trick. After trying three places with no luck I found one at walmart that said it was for HTC. Bring it to work and plug it in, it works great. So I thought my troubles are over.. right? Wrong.

Go to bed that very night, plug it in, it doesn't want to charge! light blinks for while (was dead by this point) then goes off (stops blinking). Have to plug/unplug a couple of times for light to stay on as if indicating charge. Let it charge for 45 mins, and turn it on (it's my alarm). I don't remember what percent the battery was at, but I do know it should have been higher than it was for sitting on the charger for 45 mins off. And it dies in the middle of the night! In airplane mode. Completely dead, no light on, still plugged in to the same charger I always use. Grrr.

It also started doing strange things, like when I did finally have a charge and be using it, it'd got from half charge to nothing in seconds. Also noticed WiFi wouldn't turn on. Just endlessly say turning on, but never will.

I think ok, gotta do something. Can't afford new phone. Should be good on chargers since I refuse to believe my home charger died the very night I bought a work charger. Losing charge randomly like it was, It's gotta be Battery! So I order (2) new batteries (just in case) and suffer for a few days with little to no phone. Basically only charging when it's off both work and at home... New battery comes a few days later.

I think I'm all set. I put the new battery in at night when I plug in my phone and leave it off. Thinking I should have a green light by the time I wake up right? No. Wake up, still charging. Well at least the lights on.. So I unplug it (leaving it off), and charge in car on way to work, and then more while at work. It was on a charger for at least 10 hours and still no green light?? I can't wait any longer, I need my phone, so I turn it on. Only about 60% charge. In ten hours? Does that seem right for a new battery? Anyway I do what I need to do, and then back on charger in airplane mode and it finally charges to 100% an hour or so later.

Thing are better for a few days until a couple nights ago. I go to bed and plug phone in. It's at about 42%. I play around on my phone with it connected to charger, at some point I notice battery level is 1%. I don't even remember getting low battery warnings... So, I turn the screen off and let it charge for awhile, about 30-35 mins. until my curiosity get the best of me. Hit the power button to wake it up, and there is just enough power to wake up and display lock screen to tell me battery is at 0% and it shuts off.

Sorry this is so long, but now still dying way too fast even on charger, WiFi won't turn on, neither will Blutooth, Additionally I can't download anything either from google play store or online... Does anyone have a suggestion?
I am having the same problem with my Thunderbolt. I love the phone, but I've had it for almost 4 years now. I'm wondering if the age of the phone is the problem?
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