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EVO and Navigation


Android Enthusiast
So is this going to have Google Navi like the Droid, or are we going to be stuck with Sprint Nav?

I don't know if this has been answered somewhere else, but the Google Nav is a big selling point for me.
I'm sure it'll have both. I don't see why Sprint would block Google Navigation.
I didn't see it listed on the spec sheet, all I saw was Google Maps.

I sure hope so, having this baby in a car dock like the Droid would be too amazing.
Once it's rooted, put whatever you want to on it!!!!

Personally I don't need 99% of the Sprint Apps that come on any of the phones.

Root, burn and go
Isnt Google Nav built in to Google Maps?

On Google experience phones, I believe so, but not having owned a HTC/Google phone, I'm not too sure.

Its obviously not on the iPhone which is what I am using now.

Is it available on the Hero or any other HTC/Google phone with Sense?
I have the Hero, last week I had flashed the Eris 2.1 ROM which included Google Nav, it seemed like a separate app on top of google maps, but if I have my facts straight, I was under the impression that anything above 1.6 or 2.0 OS would be able to get get Google Nav.
I'm starting to believe that Sprint chose to lock it down and require you to use Sprint Nav.

I mean, if it's free, then thats cool, but I seriously loved Google Nav for the short amount of time I had my Droid.
With the hardware this is rocking, I can almost guarantee Sprint will throw at least 5 new crapps in it just because it's quickly becoming a spotlight. I think rooting this thing as SOON as possible post-release will almost need to be necessary.
I'm curious to know if someone over at xda will overclock it. Imagine this baby at 1.5 GHz yikes.... (That surely will be fast)

TS out (putting on racing gear)
You'll know an answer as soon as 2.1 comes out for the Hero or Moment. If they block Google Nav on those...then I'm guessing it'll be the same on the EVO. I don't think they'll block it...they've already seen the backlash that ATT has received over the backflip.
I'm starting to believe that Sprint chose to lock it down and require you to use Sprint Nav.

I mean, if it's free, then thats cool, but I seriously loved Google Nav for the short amount of time I had my Droid.

well most likely they will require a everything plan and sprint nav comes with that. you dont need to use it just need to have it on your phone. it would be different for sprint to lock something like verizon sometimes does.
You'll know an answer as soon as 2.1 comes out for the Hero or Moment. If they block Google Nav on those...then I'm guessing it'll be the same on the EVO. I don't think they'll block it...they've already seen the backlash that ATT has received over the backflip.

those may not get Nav simply because they don't have enough processing power to make it run smoothly...

people with spring heros are such wishful thinkers! :p
Isn't Google Nav integrated into Google Maps? If they block Nav then they have to block Google Maps all together. I don't know about most other phones but on the Mytouch running 1.6, you get to Nav thru Google Maps > Directions > input location > then navigate.

Is it a stand alone feature on other phones?
think of it as a module that is imbedded in maps... if google wants to, they can remove it (and replace with Sprint's nav...)
Okay I guess that makes sense and after what AT&T did with the Backflip I guess anything is possible.
those may not get Nav simply because they don't have enough processing power to make it run smoothly...

people with spring heros are such wishful thinkers! :p

I'm running a 2.1 ROM and Google Nav runs perfectly smooth...much better in fact than then Sprint Nav.
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