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EVO Camera/Video Camera Settings?

One Beast

Android Enthusiast
Jul 14, 2010
I'm Trying to fine tune the Camera settings and was wondering if you guys changed the settings around and got better Pictures/Video and what did you change your settings to?

I'm more concerned about fine tuning the video Settings even though i know both the Camera/Camcorder share the same settings
Well - there's a lot of personal prefs here, but here goes starting with the camera:

First, I turn off auto everything. I set ISO by hand, usually 200 or 400 does the trick.

I set the auto-focus off and set it to spot metering - that way, I can actually tap the point in the screen I care about, it focuses to that, light meters to that.

I usually set my brightness to +1 or even +2.

Contrast, -1, Saturation, +1, Sharpness -2.

I set resolution to 8 MP, widescreen (5:3) and quality high - I tend to crop my pictures after I shoot them.


I read the thing where the settings remain for video but another user here said, No Soap! - so maybe going with auto-exposure - even auto-focus - might be easier for video.

Even with the high-light, higher fps capability, I'm not doing any 720p recording - what little I'm doing is all 640x480 vga, with the MPEG4 codec selected. (That's a clumsy sentence. I give up. What I'm saying is - with higher light, you'll get more fps with 720p and it's still not good enough, in my view.)

Mostly, I'm waiting on a better codec (fingers crossed) for the camcorder side - there's no substitute for more frames per second in moving pictures.

If you don't have something on your main computer, then I recommend using the free from the Market, Photoshop.com Mobile. You can adjust for exposure/color/etc errors and make refinements - including cropping, and you can flip-back-to-correct shots from the front camera, because those will be mirror-image bassackwards.

If you're going to share your movies, then in my opinion you want to consider a coupla options:

One guy suggested that he uploaded his to a private thing on YouTube and then just emailed the link to friends and family. I've haven't tried that but I thought it was darned smart thinking.

The other would be to consider converting your MPEG4 files to a codec you know everyone will prolly have and these days, that's h.264, in my opinion.

I've used this for years and swear by it:

Squared 5 - MPEG Streamclip video converter for Mac and Windows

For OS X, you also want: Perian - The swiss-army knife of QuickTime components

Even on Windows, it requires QuickTime from Apple - or you get a work-alike by following the links at MPEG StreamClip site - also, take their advice and get the other codecs you'll need.

Your video and picture files will be under /sdcard/DCIM/MEDIA100 - the video files will end with 3gp. On some computers, they play fine, on others picture no sound, on others vice versa - welcome to the codec wars, hence my recommendation to convert before sharing with friends.

And that H.264 thing isn't a hard and fast rule - use whatever works for your crowd, avi, etc, whatever - that's just one I tend to trust personally anymore.

Whatever you choose for conversion, usually the automatic settings will work great for you - MPEG4 is really MPEG4 Part 2, H.264 is really MPEG4 Part 10 - and because MPEG stands for the Moving Pictures Experts Group - the international insider industry pros for movies - I stay with their specs rather than one chosen by Microsoft or Apple.

Anyway - these are just my opinions, you'll have to give them a go and see what you think.
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