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EVO vs .....


Android Enthusiast
Well lately, I've been kinda going back and forth between these 2 phones, since I'm going to have to leave ATT regardless.

It seems VZW is really dropping the ball on this phone, hasn't marketed it at all and the cheapest plan you can get for it is almost $90 per month.

The Incredible forum is a joke, it doesn't get much more fanboy than them.

My point being in this post is, I am getting really anxious and wanted a new Android phone as soon as possible, and I wanted to just get the Incredible at the end of the month.

Whats one more month right? I'm staying with the Evo, It's just far more superior in terms of the device and I'm glad I don't have to deal with so many morons in this forum.

Thank you all for being intelligent.

Now if anyone else wants to weigh in on these 2 phones, please do.

You're in the right place, Autosuggestion. I don't believe the Incredible is ever going to amount to much and it may never materialize. Only time will tell if I'm right or not, but here are a few of my posts where I elaborated on the subject:

I can't imagine if you're coming with AT&T that you'd choose the Incredible over the EVO 4G. Not only is the EVO more feature rich, but Sprint's plans are a lot cheaper than Verizon's plans are.
Bill, I don't doubt that the incredible WILL surface. I would say the user's guide which surfaced is positive proof of that. My biggest question is what will the specs be - especially since they are hell bent that it will be better than the PUBLISHED specs for it. (how much ROM it will have specifically).
One thing I definitely love is the free mobile to mobile.

Both of my parents have ATT so thats going to be a huge plus for me.

And why even bother putting a 8MP camera in the Incredible and NOT have it do 720p video?

I'd imagine they (Evo and Inc) have the same camera and flash system, it just doesn't make any sense! (pun intended)
Bill, I don't doubt that the incredible WILL surface. I would say the user's guide which surfaced is positive proof of that. My biggest question is what will the specs be - especially since they are hell bent that it will be better than the PUBLISHED specs for it. (how much ROM it will have specifically).
If you read the links I posted, you'll see that I never denied the Incredible, but I have always thought the people in that forum have over estimated the specs. Then yesterday, Jackson said the leaked specs for the Incredible were fake and he's usually right about things he says. The most important part I see is that Verizon is still promoting the Moto Droid very heavily. It's still a new phone that's doing very well for them, so why would they introduce another phone right now that competes with it? I just don't believe the phone is what they're trying to make it out to be in the Incredible forum. If I'm right a lot of people are going to be upset, but hey, there's still the EVO.
Can we get a spec-by-spec comparison? Anyone? Maybe throw in the Nexus One as well?
That's just it. Verizon hasn't released any specs for the Incredible. We don't even know what the full released specs are going to be on the EVO yet, but according to an inside source, we should know a lot more on Friday. I have my fingers crossed.
It seems to be more of a Sense-branded Nexus-One variant with a funky back and possibly better camera or some more memory. Not a bad phone my any means but not worth paying more every month if you live in a city or suburb and have equally good Sprint coverage. I guess the only way I would be interested in that phone is if I lived in the boondocks and had spotty Sprint coverage. Coverage should come first and foremost, then price, then handset IMO. Hopefully Verizon users get a new high end Android handset soon but they shouldn't worry too much. Seems you can't wait more than 6 months without something new coming out these days. It's a far cry from the days of waiting a year or two for the next Treo or PPC.
Having had played around with the HD2 (similar to EVO) and the N1 (similar to Incredible) I can say the big difference will be the screen. The HD2 screen is dimmer inside and the color fidelity is much less. Like a Glossy laptop screen vs a high end plasma. Also the trackpad is nice. But the HD2 screen is much easier to read because of it's size. It can be the difference between reading glasses or not if you're older It's also easier to type on since the keyboard is bigger. The HDMI out is also a big difference.

The other problem is a Sprint vs Verizon. If you live in an area that Sprint covers then it makes sense to go with Sprint. $10-20 for messaging for Verizon is insane. Calls to any mobile don't count as minutes on Sprint, unlimited calls after 7pm vs 9pm on Verizon. Verizon doesn't even have the rollover system of AT&T.

It's obvious Verizon is over priced since you can get a Straight Talk phone from Verizon through Wallmart for $45 for unlimited everything a month.

The only spec I haven't seen verified with the Incredible is the 8gb built in memory.

That said if you live in the boonies Verizon maybe your only choice.
Definitely don't live in the boonies, I live in Ann Arbor which has over 150,000 population, one of the biggest Universities in the country (U of Mich)
All-Time Series Michigan leads, 57–43–6 Largest victory Michigan, 86–0 (1902)

Now thats enough out of the both of us!
I was in the same boat as you man, and the EVO just kills the Incredible in every way and especially if Sprint has good service in your area the plans you can't beat the price...I have AT&T as well and will be switching to Sprint on launch day of the EVO.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, it all depends on whether you have good coverage by the carrier in your area. If Verizon is better in your area, then I would suggest to get the Incredible, if Sprint has better coverage for you then get the EVO.

Even though I am a long time sprint customer and had no problems I still try to keep an open mind, so if all things are equal in service, customer support, no dropped calls etc, then it just so happens that Sprint still beats any other with their plans and with the specs the EVO has its a no win situation for the other carriers.

I think I'd get pissed in poor reception areas with Verizon than with Sprint since I would be paying less. Right now I only pay Tmobile 35 after tax so if it doesn't work I don't care as much.
LOL I am an Ohio State fan. And I have the pre right now with sprint..I am going to upgrade to the evo. I am also new to the forums. Thank you guys for the info..appericaite it. Makes me want the evo even more.
Seriously, reading the Incredible forum pisses me off so much.

Almost everyone is amazingly ignorant and about VZW fanboy as can be.
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