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Help Exchange Issues

Hi all,

I am having some (very strange) issues using my SGS2 with my work network. I appologise in advance if this is a more Exchange Server related issue.

I first connected my phone to my work email (Exchange ActiveSync), and got it connected no problem. I was able to send and receive mail, and view contacts and calendars without a problem.

The issue started when I connected the phone to the WiFi at work. I was still able to use the phone as normal, but we were experiencing email difficulties elsewhere on the network. After looking into it, we determined that another device on the network was using the same IP as the server. As my phone was the only new device to be connected, we checked my settings. All seemed fine there, I had a different IP than the server, normally set through DHCP.

After looking into it further, the MAC address of the problem device was found, so we set up a MAC address filter to block the device from connecting. The server started functioning properly. However, I checked my phone, and was no longer able to connect to the wireless network. I checked my MAC address, and it was the same as the one we had just filtered. It seems my phone was the problem after all.

So, I was wondering, has anyone come across any issues similar to this in the past? Or do you have any idea what we could check to get it working properly, as more people in the office are buying Android phones (Like they should) and we want to avoid this problem in the future, if possible.

And sorry about the long post.


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