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Help extended battery


Android Enthusiast
ok so i searched and couldn't find anything .is there an extended battery for the moment?i installed task killer and a battery app and the batter last only a little over 6 hrs thats pathetic!!!!! was wondering if anyone has found an extended battery yet.
What widgets do you have running? Do you leave wifi on all the time? How about GPS? How much time is the phone awake (screen on, being used)?

I take my Moment off the charger at about 8:00 am, and plug it in every night simetime between 11:00pm and midnight. Some evenings, i'm "in the yellow" (15%), some evenings I'm still "in the green" (above 15%).

My phone checks an IMAP email account ever 15 minutes, and I have google push email. I use facebook and twitter quite a bit, as well as the web browser. Usually have about 30 minutes of talk time every day too.

ok so no i don't leave wifi on and use app killer to kill all apps running.on widgets that r running constantly are app killer and the voice control. going to try a different bat app and see if maybe the app is just wrong.
I went ahead and let the OS take over the app management instead of using a Task Killer and I have seen increased battery life now.

Was skeptical of others but now that I've seen the results myself, I would not recommend an app killer.
I agree. Drop the app killers. They just run down the battery or make keep your screen on more than needed. Seeing how you keep pulling out of sleep to check and kill apps.

It's like getting up to turn off a light that always turns it's self back on over and over. Your going to get pretty tired and your wear after awhile.

Since removing my auto killers etc. I have increased my batt. life by like 4hrs.

Typical day. 8am off 100% charge
1.5 hrs of calls
15-30 txt's
30mins of Web
11pm I have about 30-50% Charge left.

The only thing I have running is Data, Sink/Gmail with 4 accounts.
I use Advanced Task Killer and it kills itself, as well as any other apps I click on, so it doesn't drain my battery at all.
I don't get how the app killers decrease battery life. Mine does pretty well through the day w/o using a task killer during the school day.
I get to about 11pm-12am with 30-40% battery sometimes from 8:00.
Some apps re-spawn themselves. Meaning that the task killer may spend all day long playing "whack-a-mole".

Censlow: How are you running gmail with 4 accounts? 1.5 only supports one google account. Are the other 3 setup as POP/IMAP?

ok so i got rid of the app killer and the battery app fully charged my phone put a new battery app on the app is telling me that my full battery life is 9 hrs and 12 mins is what it will last. i use my phone alot but even my pre which was a battery killer gave me a full day on a single charge going to see what happens and just hoping that the battery app is wrong if not then i guess i will take it back to sprint and hopefully the nexus one will be out.
So, you're not actually talking about actual battery life, you're talking about predicted battery life as reported by an app?

If you uninstall the app and just use the phone... what kind of battery life do you get?

Also, which firmware are you running CL14 or CJ05?

while doing all of those things will help extend to battery, I too have not found an extended battery for the moment. I believe that is what the op was looking for originally.
i was looking for an extended battery.i'm running cl14 and the battery life really doesn't change with or without the battery app.the longest i have gotten it too last was 9-10 hrs and thats with almost no use.
i was looking for an extended battery.i'm running cl14 and the battery life really doesn't change with or without the battery app.the longest i have gotten it too last was 9-10 hrs and thats with almost no use.

But does your battery meter jump around at all? I'm not sure if u use a battery meter but when I do mine will jump from 90% to 70 then in a like 2-3 hours tops it plumits down to 15%
But does your battery meter jump around at all? I'm not sure if u use a battery meter but when I do mine will jump from 90% to 70 then in a like 2-3 hours tops it plumits down to 15%

no it doesn't jump at all it just runs out.i charge it to 100 when i take it off the charger with in 5 min its at 90 no big deal but then it just drains out.i took it off the charger today at 9 am and right now its at 15 and have not really used it at all think i sent 4 or 5 txts and had 3 really short phone calls today thats about it wifi is off i even turned email off.this is ridicules!!!!
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