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Help facebook contacts in my contacts list


How the heck do I remove the facebook contacts from my contact list? I have the "phone numbers only" checked in my settings but it still shows facebook contacts. This is getting a little annoying.

What is doing this? Blur?
Yes, moboblur is doing that *if* you set up the facebook widget (it's enabled from the ACCOUNTS option). The only way I believe you can stop it is by removing the facebook account (and therefore not use the widget) and only use the standalone Android facebook application from the Market.
Actually, you can link the facebook contacts to the matching contacts in your phone contacts and delete the rest of the facebook contacts. It does not effect your facebook at all, but if you link them to the matches you can do some nifty things from your contacts screen. (email, text, call, or facebook) your friends and family.

Same goes for Google and Yahoo contacts.
You can also click edit on a contact and click link together and it will get rid of the duplicates.

I don't have duplicates in my contacts list as I don't call the people on Facebook. It's a way to keep in touch with people that I used to work with at a job we got laid off from in 2007.

I got rid of the facebook widget and installed the facebook app instead. It's better and faster. the widget was nice as it updated itself but I'm not that addicted to FB that I have to have updates all day long.
I don't have duplicates in my contacts list as I don't call the people on Facebook. It's a way to keep in touch with people that I used to work with at a job we got laid off from in 2007.

I got rid of the facebook widget and installed the facebook app instead. It's better and faster. the widget was nice as it updated itself but I'm not that addicted to FB that I have to have updates all day long.

Agreed.. I also got rid of Facebook account from blur..
That removed FB contacts from coming in my phone's contact list..
Feeling much better now when I click contacts when making a call.. :cool:
A quick way of not having Facebook show up on your contacts is by hitting the menu button when your in the contacts screen and selecting display options. Go down to where it says Facebook and any other social networks you might have synced and just un-select them.

Let me know if this helped.
A quick way of not having Facebook show up on your contacts is by hitting the menu button when your in the contacts screen and selecting display options. Go down to where it says Facebook and any other social networks you might have synced and just un-select them.

Let me know if this helped.

I don't think it's possible to un-select FB (there's no such option for FB)..
You have to remove FB from blur accounts.. Use the FB app instead..
The way that I solved this problem was by creating "contacts groups"

I.e. grouping together all of the people I never want to call into a group called "Facebook F*gs"

This way you get the convenience of having your phone sync all of the pictures, email addresses, and numbers off of facebook... but not have to deal with ridiculously long contacts lists full of people you haven't spoken to since high school.
A quick way of not having Facebook show up on your contacts is by hitting the menu button when your in the contacts screen and selecting display options. Go down to where it says Facebook and any other social networks you might have synced and just un-select them.

Let me know if this helped.

This is the best solution. It even kept the Facebook info for my contacts already in my phone. Great Job!
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