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An ad that rolled up in Facebook...aside from the obvious misspelling of the brand name (or maybe they employ a bunch of sketchers to draw you a picture of some Skechers shoes??), as well as the fact that those are not Skechers and Skechers are not made in the USA, why would a Landscape company be selling shoes?

Give 'em your credit card, and I bet all you get for your trouble is theft of your money at best, and theft of your ID as well at worst.

Yesterday I chatted with Samsung support on their website. I told them I had a flash drive that was only 6 months old but was corrupt and unusable. The automated thing put me through to a live human being, who put me through to someone in the appropriate department.

Turns out the "appropriate department" was refrigerators and not flash memory. No worries, says rep, just call this toll-free number or click on this link.

Clicked on link. Dead link, invalid.

Called toll-free number. It's to a 3rd party company which, at one time, had a service agreement with Samsung but no longer did. Worse, they service video equipment... not flash memory.

I ended up just ordering another flash drive from a different brand. Apparently good help is hard to find for Samsung, too...
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Was dealing with a company (I whited their name out) that wanted my POI to verify my identity. I have never been asked for a POI before and had no idea what POI meant. Turns out they need to verify my address with like a copy of an electric bill. Never heard of POI before

Was dealing with a company (I whited their name out) that wanted my POI to verify my identity. I have never been asked for a POI before and had no idea what POI meant. Turns out they need to verify my address with like a copy of an electric bill. Never heard of POI before

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I have heard the acronym in the GPS world, as in “Point Of Interest.”

I suppose an electric bill could be sufficiently shocking (especially in CA) as to be a point of interest. ;) :D
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