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FAQ addition request

Actually, off the top of my head for youtube so you don't have to wait for an addition to the FAQ, just use the youtube tags to embed the video

If the video link is www. youtube. com/watch?v=DKjx_Ri8lcs&feature=plcp then to embed it would be:

Just put the bolded part in youtube tags

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Two things I would really like to see in the forum FAQ's:

1) How to embed a Youtube video
I am waiting for some info on this one as I want to include image hosting and linking so I can include that and make is a multimedia embedding entry.
2) How to setup a post with a poll.

I've been pulling my hair out trying to figure out how to do these two things.

I have done some testing to make sure I understand all the options for polls. I will hopefully put it together at home tonight where I have more freedom to do screenshots and maintain focus on one thing for a bit longer than I can at work.:rolleyes:
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