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Help Faulty external speaker?


Well-Known Member
I've replaced 2 previous incredibles due to a blown external speaker, and now my newest one seems to be blown as well. I thought that the first two could have been coincidental, but 3?

Has anyone else ever had this issue before? After my first one blew, I keep my phone at 3/4 volume max, never more than that. I really don't know how I can be blowing my speaker?
Are you around any metal dust or shavings, specifically magnetic metal (iron, some steel)? That seems to be responsible for at least some "blown" speakers... it gets attracted to the transducer's magnet.
Are you around any metal dust or shavings, specifically magnetic metal (iron, some steel)? That seems to be responsible for at least some "blown" speakers... it gets attracted to the transducer's magnet.

I have noticed metal shavings in the speaker, but I don't really come into contact with anything like that on a daily basis, do I'm not sure where they came from. I noticed this on my previously blown devices as well.
After a few minutes of research online, I found that the speaker can be easily replaced by a Nokia 6300 speaker from eBay for only $3.

I'm considering doing the replacement myself, but this would also be the 5th phone replacement for me. Pretty sure I could get a Droid X out of the deal. What do you guys think?
dont do that... take a strong magnet and pull the metal shavings out, i work in my garage a lot and pulling out those little pieces of metal made my speaker sound brand new! try it
im on phone 6 because of external speaker problems..... i am around metal shavings, i am gonna find a strong magnet....thanks for the tip
I too was having this problem and traced it back to playing music at top volume while the phone was in my pocket. I think that the speaker gets covered and the sound vibration itself is causing the voice coil to disintegrate after a period of time. I am not around metal shavings at all and the shavings I did see when I replaced the speaker and they were on the inside of the protective screen and they appeared too large to have made their way through the screen. Anyway, replacing the speaker is very easy and takes only a few minutes. If this happens again I will try vacuuming out the shavings and see if that takes care of the problem.
Is there anyone who has replaced their speaker with the Nokia one that can comment on the quality of it? Does it sound as good or better as the stock speaker? Does it last any longer?
I have used the Nokia 6300 speaker as a replacement and it works really well so far. It might even be deeper sounding than the OEM speaker. The speaker is not soldered to the board but it is held in place with an adhesive and the replacement speakers also have a thin film of adhesive on them as well. There are a set of tiny springs mounted to the speaker that makes the connection. There is a video on YouTube demonstrating the speaker replacement. Here it is:
I have used the Nokia 6300 speaker as a replacement and it works really well so far. It might even be deeper sounding than the OEM speaker. The speaker is not soldered to the board but it is held in place with an adhesive and the replacement speakers also have a thin film of adhesive on them as well. There are a set of tiny springs mounted to the speaker that makes the connection. There is a video on YouTube demonstrating the speaker replacement. Here it is:

I think I'm going to try this instead of replacing my incredible for the 5th time. Its so ridiculous to have to void my warranty because of a manufacturing problem.

I like the incredible but I'm honestly considering switching it for an X. Can anyone comment on your preferences between the two?
I think I'm going to try this instead of replacing my incredible for the 5th time. Its so ridiculous to have to void my warranty because of a manufacturing problem.

I like the incredible but I'm honestly considering switching it for an X. Can anyone comment on your preferences between the two?

The fix seems easy and cheap enough. Plus it supposedly sounds better. We only have a one year warranty anyways. Try to get through one year without getting your new phones OEM speaker dirty and keep your warranty intact. After the year replace the speaker for a new one if you have any problems after.
Well I tried the magnet trick with no luck. Most of the metal shavings are behind the screen and the magnet can't pull them through. Oh well. Now to decide on whether to replace the speaker myself, or swap my Dinc out for a Droid X.
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