No, I read from the google play store that this apps. recording feature doesn't appear on certain android phones and my type of phone is one of them. Not knowing at first, I bought this app. with the sole purpose of using the recording feature's cartoon effect's for some video Ideas I had, but then realized after purchasing it that my type of phone won't allow recording from the app. So I was just asking if anyone knew a way to get the recording feature on this app. to show on my phone so I can use it, you know I have to upgrade my phone to a different ROM or use root file manager to change some file that's a part of this app., etc. Or instead if there was some cartoon effect (not blaine's effect) that I could use to make my videos cartoon-like, or a way I can make my own cartoon effect. I even tried buying pencil cam which has the same cartoon effect's as pappercam but once again the recording feature did not show for that one either, all the other apps. with these cool cartoon effects are mainly for taking photo's. So do you know if there is some or any way other than me buying a new phone that I can get the recording feature to show? Talking to the developers didn't help but since there's so many tips, tricks and hacks everywhere to make what couldn't happen on some phones happen, was just wondering if there was a way for this apps. recording feature to show so I can record using it.