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FB in decline?

I like facebook. Its a good way to stay in touch. I have always been involved with networking in my professional life so why not do it in my personal life?

I agree there becomes a point when it is an addiction and it should not be used as a substitute for real life. Personally I hope it stays around.
My sense is that many (though certainly not all) of the early-adopter tech-savvy types are moving away from Facebook. The people who want to hold onto it more than anything are the non-techies ... the grandparents who desperately want to know what their grandkids are doing, and stuff like that.

Personally, I hope Facebook dies a rapid and painful death. The original concept for the service was great, but that's largely disappeared under a sea of spam, bad apps, and annoying monetization attempts.
What are they moving on to? I'm tech savvie. I moved from the all together better MySpace to facebook.

It does pretty much all it needs to from my perspective.
my buddy and i had this debate right before the IPO...

he wanted to sink all his savings into this.. i told him that it was way over inflated..
told him .. i dont see them having a very stable 5 yr outlook. too many BIG competitors that want try to break into this market, and they got BIG deep pockets

they maybe around in 5 yrs... but not nearly as big... they will have to share the market with Google, Microsoft, and Apple.

and if they do try to bring a facebook phone out.. this will just help to reduce their resources faster.

good thing he listened to me...
HTC tried to bring out a facebook phone (THe Cha Cha). It was a bag of crap and flopped.
What are they moving on to? I'm tech savvie. I moved from the all together better MySpace to facebook.

It does pretty much all it needs to from my perspective.

Honestly, I don't know ... and there's probably not one single answer to that. I have some friends on Google+, and I participate in a couple of private phpBB places. But mostly, I've figured out that having absolutely everyone you've ever known trying to interact with you (and indirectly, each other) on the same site ... well, it isn't really that good an idea.
I have google+ too but I dont really use it.

It would be nice to have an alternetive to FB, but I cant think of one that does everything it does that I use whilst being popular enough to make a move to it.
HTC tried to bring out a facebook phone (THe Cha Cha). It was a bag of crap and flopped.

That could have been a great phone, but much like the Kin, it required a data plan and no parent wants to pay for their kid to have one. (at least a couple years ago, maybe it's changing now)
It was one hell of an ugly phone though.

Eh, I actually liked the look of it even though it was very generic HTC. Has a lot of take from my Flyer.
I feel bad for those who need a portrait qwerty and a decent mobile OS. If you're mostly texting and emailing, your options are very limited.
True. I'd love a physical keyboard with a full Screen. The Desire Z looked good (even though landscape) but the CPU just wasn't up to it.
Took me a while to realize a physical qwerty on my Droid was a) crap and b) I could type on screen just as fast if not faster. Once I moved to the Bionic and now Nexus, I love having much more screen real estate and SwiftKey.

To get back on topic, I still use FB quite a bit but I don't post much. It's nice to see what's going on with my family and close friends (and those I've lost personal touch with but just to see how they're doing). I'm on G+ but am hesitant to move all my activity to it both because no one is on it and I don't really care for the interface.
I use it to comment on others' posts (Keep in touch) and post things I would like to share / discuss. All these "apps" and "games" can do a running jump though.

The thing with Android is its so easy to share from the app, I just cant help myself :)
To get back on topic, I still use FB quite a bit but I don't post much. It's nice to see what's going on with my family and close friends (and those I've lost personal touch with but just to see how they're doing).
This is one of the things about Facebook that I found to be troubling -- my friends list there has a lot of people who read, but don't post. For me, at least, it almost felt like being stalked, in a way ... and I really feel that interaction needs to be a two-way street.
I feel like FB has started being a bit too open. It's also become too inquiring. People are starting to get a sense of having an overbearing social network constantly looming over their shoulder.

The privacy settings are constantly changing. Not to mention the fact that the layout becomes more and more confusing as time goes by. I am tech savvy but in some things, Less is more.

It also has become painfully obvious that most posts have degraded from anything intelligent into "My boyfriend broke up with me, Boo Hoo." type of linguistics. I can't really justify going on there all the time when it's hardly informative for me.

I guess like a lot of other people I got "Facebook'ed out".
Ahhh... The Cha Cha... LOL!
Yeah, FB is used to keep it touch with old and new friends scattered throughout the world.
But I'm starting to see it as a revamped Myspace... (read:for entertainment purposes only)
The privacy settings are constantly changing.

Yes this is very annoying. Especially when it always appears that the default option for a new / changed setting is always "Everything ON - GO!"

Not to mention the fact that the layout becomes more and more confusing as time goes by.

100% agree. I quite like timeline. Just before I opted to change to that layout, I was really struggling to find where my friends were.

This is also a problem because often I use the android app so, the layout changes and it can be weeks before I notice.

probably 25% of my time on facebook seems to be learning new layouts and exploring menus and features. I wish we could change the layout of our home page and also our profile page.

and WHY does home always default to "top stories"? I want to see everything IN ORDER. Thats how I manage absence
Ahhh... The Cha Cha... LOL!
Yeah, FB is used to keep it touch with old and new friends scattered throughout the world.
But I'm starting to see it as a revamped Myspace... (read:for entertainment purposes only)

I agree. The amount of mind numbing crap that people post is just incredible. It seems that many people can barely type let alone make an intelligible thought.

I just think about that one picture. Post something actually worth reading/looking at, get 4 likes. Post something about so & so's relationship, get several hundred likes.
This is one of the things about Facebook that I found to be troubling -- my friends list there has a lot of people who read, but don't post. For me, at least, it almost felt like being stalked, in a way ... and I really feel that interaction needs to be a two-way street.

I'll check two people for kid's pics - then I email the people.
Apple is supposedly including it built-in.
What bothers me about this is the Iphone seems to be using most of the 3G data. So we all wind up paying more to support online habits.

Have you seen Verizon's new offerings?
Verizon Wireless Launches Shared Data Plans - Verizon Prepares Pricing for the Death of Voice Minutes | DSLReports.com, ISP Information

I can just imagine.

We have Android users who can be data hogs. I don't know about Iphone, but my Nexus does keep track of data usage if I want.

I'm not accusing Iphone users of piggery - I think a lot are just unaware since the phone is supposed to be so easy to do anything on.
Perhaps the internet social networking craze is now passing into history. The fad of telling the whole world and posting pictures of what you're having for breakfast, lunch and dinner is no longer cool.
Perhaps the internet social networking craze is now passing into history. The fad of telling the whole world and posting pictures of what you're having for breakfast, lunch and dinner is no longer cool.

Thing is, small tittle tattle can lead to bigger conversations.

You wouldn't sms someone you haven't seen since school what you're having for dinner.

If you did, the conversation may grow organically but preconceptions about what is important enough to direct at an individual (let alone one you've not spoken to for years) prevents you from doing this.

Facebook allows you to publish nonsense and then if someone replies, you can discuss anything. It's nice, that
I really don't think Fb is going anywhere soon. They have 900 million users and it will take a lot of time before these people stop using it (not to mention upcoming generations who will eventually get into it).

Deep down I wished G+ took off but I believe Google doomed it from the start. The whole "invite" only kick off really made it tough to get anyone to switch over. At first I had 5 invites and by the time they started giving 100's of invites the hype was dead. Sure some of my techie friends tried it out but my core group (mostly family) still haven't an idea of what G+ and they don't seem to anxious to find out. Google really had a nice idea with G+ too bad they couldn't pull it off.
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