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FB in decline?

Google is pushing G+ on Play. If you sign in, and want to check something on your account, you get a big page about public profile and G+. You have to check your apps and then go back to check account. I don't stay signed in anywhere on computer nor do I save cookies, passwords, or history.

It's not paranoia, just general orneriness. The more you want, the less I'll do.

Yahoo mail is also pushing for public profile.

Don't know if Gmail is doing it on its web page - I use Thunderbird to get all mail.

The FB account I have keeps sending emails trying to get me to post. I have nothing to post. I use it for those who do customer service via FB account. Nor will I make any info public. I don't really want to hear from my old high school or anything else like it.

I also won't post until social sites get an "eff off" button.
Facebook has already done it's thing, so unless they discover another planet with humanoid life forms, the user count is going to continue downwards.

Critical mass was already hit long ago, and with the stock market launch, Zuckerberg was never going to get away with selling all his stock in one go, he knows he has to lose to win, his total initial stock packet was worth x amount, but he's only going to be able to get 30-45% of that in the end as he slowly lets go of it bit by bit.
I don't know the future of Facebook nor do I think my life will dramatically change if it went away. Some conveniences would disappear that being knowing what members of my family are up to and being able to keep in contact with them. As far as the numbing post of my life sux I really just move on from those. If I have friends that are just depressing all the time and all they post is depressing crap then I un-freind them. I've always though it to be a fad much like myspace before it and personal web pages before that. I also see more people joining forums these days. I wouldn't get the chance on facebook to get valuable information about my phone like I can here. I think it will be interesting to see where the next fad shifts to. As far as social networking though I think that will be around for a while. People love to expose them selves. There are a lot of them that are narcissistic enough to think that the rest of the world cares about their petty lives.
I see that FB will be wanting a viable phone number now. No way in hell. I also won't do those "login with FB" requests, either.

Been said there is a lot of spam on FB, the phone number is supposed to cut down on spammers, but I think it's pure marketing.
I use it to comment on others' posts (Keep in touch) and post things I would like to share / discuss. All these "apps" and "games" can do a running jump though.

Yeah, as soon as someone sends me a game/app request, it gets blocked straight away.

Other than that, I actually find FB quite handy for staying in touch with all the folk I went to school with. Even if I don't comment on every status they make and vice versa, it's a pretty handy medium for knowing what they are up to.
If my kids weren't on FB Id have absolutely no use for it. It's one big security hole (especially for children). Honestly, I loath FB with a passion.
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