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Fireball AKA Incredible 4G

I hope that leak was underclocked for testing purposes. I also would really like it to contain a 720p screen over qHD, but I ain't holding my breath. If this ends up being another Evo-esque rebadge, I may switch to motorola and not look back.
I hope that leak was underclocked for testing purposes. I also would really like it to contain a 720p screen over qHD, but I ain't holding my breath. If this ends up being another Evo-esque rebadge, I may switch to motorola and not look back.

If you are like me you'll look back. Just can't help it.
If you are like me you'll look back. Just can't help it.

You're probably right. For some reason I just can't explain, I love Sense! I think vanilla android is fugly, even ICS. I'm just planning on doing a lot of streaming to my phone, etc. when I'm out on that blazing 4G network and that Razr Maxx battery just sounds so nice. NotBlur looks better than Touchwiz IMO, but Sense is still the most visually interesting and functional for my life.
I'm curious - what's the big deal about this phone? If the specs are accurate, the Rezound looks like a better model. It at least has a faster processor.
I just don't understand - I've been holding out for the next great Droid phone on Verizon, and this one doesn't really get me excited.
If it has the S4 Qualcomm/Snapdragon 1.5 GHz dual core processor inside (hoping it does, anything less would be uncivilized) it will be a big deal to me.
Also, of course, I am strongly hoping for removable battery and sd card slot. *Please hTC*
All that, to me, would trump the One S. That is, if the camera hardware has the image chip (image sense) then it would be capable of running sense 4.0, if not sense 3.6 would be fine with me. Again, hoping for sense 4.0 with the enhanced image chip...

In benchmark tests the S4 processor outperforms the 4+1 core Tegra 3. You could even say blows it away...


With all this hoping, and certain criteria met, it has the potential to be a really great device.
This will be my next phone, if it lives up to the potential.
If not, I will just load the ICS/sense 3.6 official update from Verizon on my Dinc2 and keep it.

Then again, it might fail and just be another "me too" device from last year...so the Rezound would be better like you said.
I really wonder if this phone is the Droid fighter, or that will be a another totally different device from hTC on Verizon...
I guess I'll wait and see. It really wouldn't make any sense at all for them to release a phone with a 1.2 ghz processor and even attempt to tout it as the next great thing.
I'm hoping something comes out soon as I want a new phone NOW - but will wait for this one if it's worth it. :)
If it has an S4 in it and atleast a 1750/1800 mah battery, I'll overlook the rumored qHD screen. If it's rocking a last gen S3, I might as well call game over and go pick up the Maxx. I'd need a man purse to carry around a Rezound and well.... I'm getting antsy.
My bottom line...

I don't care what they use for the display.
Sense 4.0/3.6 whichever it's fine.

If it has the 1.5ghz dual core S4 processor removable battery & sd card slot, I'm on it!!!
Looks like it cleared the FCC
HTC DROID Incredible 4G spotted at FCC - SlashGear

They're still talking 1.2 ghz processor, though.

"but rolling out with a dual-core 1.2GHz (almost certainly OMAP) chip instead."

Since when does hTC use OMAP processors?
What other hTC phones have a processor like this?
I could be greatly mistaken but, doesn't hTC preferably use Qualcomm chipsets?
Sounds weird to me.
Someone please enlighten me on this...
OMAP, what no S4!...#@!!
I've got a few days left to decide on my rezound. I absolutely love the phone but would much prefer it be at least an ounce lighter and would like the Image Chip technology and features (rapid shooting, pics while taking video.)

While I wish the Incredible line still was top of the line spec-wise like the first one, the rumoured specs arent bad. Vs the One S, I hope it offers removable storage for sure... 16 gb isn't enough if you're making use of the camera and media. We learned that the hard way already with my wife's 16gb iPhone 4s. Removable battery would be preferred too, but I think the shape of the back implies it will be.
"but rolling out with a dual-core 1.2GHz (almost certainly OMAP) chip instead."

Since when does hTC use OMAP processors?
What other hTC phones have a processor like this?
I could be greatly mistaken but, doesn't hTC preferably use Qualcomm chipsets?
Sounds weird to me.
Someone please enlighten me on this...
OMAP, what no S4!...#@!!

No clue where they got that OMAP info, but I ain't believing it at all. I've seen a lot of wrong info on the net in the last two days in regards to this phone. I can't even recall an HTC device that used an OMAP anytime recently. One site even claimed it didn't feature Sense 4.0 but was stock ICS. People are just pulling crap out of their ass. I get anybody can create a blog now days, but seriously.....

There is no way Slashgear got that info from the FCC docs. The authors credibility is already out the window when he din't even get basic info within the article correct regarding the Incredible 2. Perhaps they are guessing because of the 1.2 Ghz spec that showed in the leaked pics, however, we know HTC plays with their clockspeeds throughout testing to decide where they want to settle on clocking it. It could still very well be a 1.5 Ghz and I am willing to bet it's Snapdragon, whether it be S3 or S4 is the question. Underclocked S3 to bring better battery life would suck.... Underclocked S4 I could live with.
And now we see why Apple keeps the lid on everything as much as humanly possible. Is it faster or not, is it coming out next month, or do we not know when. Does it have ICS or Sense, yada yada. Very frustrating.
Regardless, very little I've read over the past week gives me much hope that the next model will be the 'it' phone to have. I'm very close to saying screw it and just getting a Rezound, which is a great phone and far from 'settling'. Nothing I've read about the Incredible 4G has me excited, but that might very well be simply because everything I've read is wrong.
Yeah, for a phone with a release date planned already (April 26th) there are few details about it...

Kinda looking at & reading about it so much before it comes out makes me tired of it already. It would possibly be better if nothing was said & they would release it with full details...
I still have high hopes for it...
I hope everything is wrong too.
It amazes me how little info there is leaked on this phone. The one article that gave specs said a 1.2GHz dual core which disappointed me. With everything else coming out, I would hope HTC doesn't put the Incredible name on a mid-tier phone.
It amazes me how little info there is leaked on this phone. The one article that gave specs said a 1.2GHz dual core which disappointed me. With everything else coming out, I would hope HTC doesn't put the Incredible name on a mid-tier phone.

If its a mid-tier phone then they should change the name to the HTC Mediocre :p

I didn't know they were coming out with a new Incredible so I jumped on the Rezound, good phone but I still miss my original Incredible which the wife is now sporting though. I might have held off if I would have known.
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