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For those of who who switched from iPhone...

Hi all. I just purchased the GS2 from Ebay. Pretty much my first Android I guess. I'm looking for some apps that are comparable to the ones from iPhone. For instance...is there an app like Lockinfo that will give me all my info on my lockscreen? An app like Irealsms that I can just text from any app im? If you have found some or any others Id love to know. Thanks!
I'm not really sure that a lockinfo equivelant exists...or is totally necessary as notifications is still usable on the lock screen.

Obviously, you were also jailbroken as I was. So...in that spirit...I'm enjoying a couple of apps/tweaks that got my phone closer to my jailbroken i4.

I use GoLauncherEX for appearance customization.
I use GoSMS in place of biteSMS
I use WidgetLocker in stead of Lockinfo
I use speakToIt assistant instead of Siri.
Espier Launcher (if you miss the look and feel of iOS) ((i don't))
Beautiful Widgets and animated weather
Animated Widget (added to lock screen via Widget Locker to make it a bit more lockinfo like for contacting favorite contacts for calls, txts, emails, etc)
You can use LockScreenCalendar if you want the calendar on your lock screen
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