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For us on the $40 plan...

Me and my wife are on that plan and are thinking about going to the $30 plan. I mean really what's the difference? All I see is they want you to buy a new phone. Sell the one you got then get a new one is my plan. Just when i was gonna leave metro for something cheaper this happens lol.

A) How many months at $10 does it take to make back the new phone cost minus less than you think you'll get now for your used phone? (A lot of people overestimate what their used phone will bring.)

B) Hopefully you'll be happy with your 3G data once you blast through your 250 Megs of data at 4G.

The answers to those two maybe helpful for you.

To counter those two I'd ask, what's the use of having a new 4G phone if you can't use the 4G part very much for the $30?

Bruce in Ocala, FL
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Lol I don't use much data I guess I just use wifi ever spot I hit. And i just went in a store earlier today they said buying a new phone wont count you have to activate a new line with new phone so I wont be getting this plan.

From the metro site

4GLTE Speed at an incredible price

Activate a new phone in your local MetroPCS store and for only $30 per month you can talk and text as much as you want, and browse at 4GLTE speeds.

It's the $55 dollar plan you get for $50 if you add a line.
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Just download a data monitor from the play store

Wow, I did that last night and it says I've used over 25Mb's already today, and I've hardly used it. I listened to Pandora radio this morning for 20 minutes while working out, but nothing else all morning. I even "quit" Pandora this mornign when I got out of it, to make sure it was off. I can't imagine what this data is being used for?
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Yea so i ended up getting the $30 plan. Here is my life story lol..me n wifey had esteems which i only paid $100 for. i traded my esteem n $20 for the motion. i sold my motion n esteem for $210, brought two coolpads for $260 and now we both on $30 plan. Also if you wanna save money buy your phone at walmart! They offer insurance for 2 years, $15 per phone. It sounds legit and covers everything but theft.

$200 for two esteems + $20 to get motion - $210 received from selling motion and esteem + $260 for 2 coolpads - $100 for rebates + $30 for insurance..was paying $80 a montj now paying $60 month..i wont break even until 10 months later but im saving monthly $20.
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Yea so i ended up getting the $30 plan. Here is my life story lol..me n wifey had esteems which i only paid $100 for. i traded my esteem n $20 for the motion. i sold my motion n esteem for $210, brought two coolpads for $260 and now we both on $30 plan. Also if you wanna save money buy your phone at walmart! They offer insurance for 2 years, $15 per phone. It sounds legit and covers everything but theft.

$200 for two esteems + $20 to get motion - $210 received from selling motion and esteem + $260 for 2 coolpads - $100 for rebates + $30 for insurance..was paying $80 a montj now paying $60 month..i wont break even until 10 months later but im saving monthly $20.

You do know that mail-in-Rebates apply to phones that were bought a metro pcs authorized dealer/corporate store read the fine print on your MIR forms.
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