Not quite a noob, but still a boob. Here's what happened: Bought a g tab(manu.refurb.) kinda cheap, followed all instructions when flashing a new ROM -Caulkin's was the only one that worked for me- and everthing seemed to be working fine, save for a few minor bugs. Last nite I decided to turn my Huawei m860 android phone into an ad-hoc wifi hotspot (using z4root & barnacle) which worked. I stopped Barnacle, reset to my normal connection, powered down & went to sleep. When I rebooted my tab, 98% of my apps force closed! Yes, I panicked and reset to factory, which left me with clockmod, launcherpro, the Mkt. and stock apps. Where did I go wrong? All I want is a (decently) working tab, wifi is important! Any help? (I'm tired of screwing around with this stuff) -Thanx!!