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Froyo 720p video - Disappointment

as i love my desire there are 3 BIG TIME FLAWS:

1) mail client which is so rubbish that it makes me wanna slit my wrists... learn from Apple
2) android market which is a misunderstanding. its awfully terrible and pathetic
3) camera... please... at least 320x240 @ 30 fps...

What's wrong with the email clinet?

Yeah the market can be a bit of a pain but it's better in 2.2. To be honest I think google need to take a bit more of an interest in policing it, not to the extent Apple do but it would help filter out some of the stupid or malicious ones. And the camera? Meh, can't complain. It's alright I guess, never use it anyway so couldn't care less...
tip i saw on youtube

Go into Camera, switch ISO to 800 and not auto.
Now switch back to camcorder and record 720p, you get a lot more stable fps.

That ISO trick worked brilliantly for me at WVGA (800*480) which is the highest resolution I take vids at. Really not bothered about 720p.

Remember to switch the ISO back though if you're taking a photo as setting the ISO to 800 makes for some pretty bad photos!
That ISO trick worked brilliantly for me at WVGA (800*480) which is the highest resolution I take vids at. Really not bothered about 720p.

Remember to switch the ISO back though if you're taking a photo as setting the ISO to 800 makes for some pretty bad photos!

In fact, it would be great if there was a hack to make all videos default to ISO 800.
Either that or a separate camcorder app where you could set an ISO level that wasn't shared by the photo app.

I had a quick look on the market for "camcorder", but the results weren't too good and it didn't seem like ISO would be configurable for those apps.
just an update guys, got my new class 6 card yesterday and tested it out and the stuttering has gone when i record in HD the playback is nice and smooth.

I have a transcend 8gb card and when i transferred the data over from my old card the write speed according to my computer varied between 3 and 5mb/s, so i thought i had wasted my money but the sd card speed test was saying 7MB/s read and write speeds.

Not as quick as some going by other posts but quick enough to sort out my problem.
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