No One...
i agree. most people dont understand, though, so i think that people will just follow apple's path until android can show its capabilities. then, maybe the public could make more informed decisions instead of "bit the iphone is SiCKKK!!!!11!11!!"
We'll I'm hoping with cupcake supposedly coming soon and flash also supposedly on it's way people may actually start to take notice... the other thing is paid apps aren't here yet either and that's what will drive the phone if the apps are good people will pay if people pay others will see it and consider it equal to others phones selling now because of the $ in it..... if all these things actually happen in the first quater of this year as they are supposed to that will mean that google has not only proven itself but proven it is willing to out pace apple in the advancement of the software... Think about it less than a year from release to advance with all that...