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Galaxy S3 to LG G3

I'm personally shocked that my battery life has taken a hit due to my switch to the G3, but it definitely drains faster than my S3 did. My best estimate is that I drain 15-20% more battery with the G3. Maybe that's not a tremendous loss, but to me I hoped for performance equal to or better than my S3.

During the first few days while I was configuring the phone, and playing with it rather hard, the battery drain was scary to watch drain. This past week, I've been using it in a more "normal" fashion, and am certainly finding less drain, but still more than my S3 under my "normal" usage.

My screen setting is likely the biggest probable cause of battery drain, and I'm currently running at 75% with auto on. While I preferred running at 90-100%, it was clear to me that if I hope to get through a day without having to charge, I've got to throttle the screen back. I've got to have access to a charger at some point during the day, and I'd hoped I was going to get away from that with the larger battery.

The screen is VERY nice, and every day this phone continues to grow even more on me.

I'm definitely not going to go back to my S3, but am also following the release of the Note 4, and following the release of the G3 prime to see if it might be released beyond just Korea. A device with at least 32Gb of internal memory, has a long lasting battery, and very similar overall dimensions to the G3 is an ideal device for my purposes.

I used to feel so sorry for iPhone users who had a shamefully small "screen" to attempt to view web pages, pictures, etc. Now my S3 is small compared to the G3, and I'm now laughing at myself since I thought my S3 screen was so large before my new device came in.
I'm personally shocked that my battery life has taken a hit due to my switch to the G3, but it definitely drains faster than my S3 did. My best estimate is that I drain 15-20% more battery with the G3. Maybe that's not a tremendous loss, but to me I hoped for performance equal to or better than my S3.

During the first few days while I was configuring the phone, and playing with it rather hard, the battery drain was scary to watch drain. This past week, I've been using it in a more "normal" fashion, and am certainly finding less drain, but still more than my S3 under my "normal" usage.

My screen setting is likely the biggest probable cause of battery drain, and I'm currently running at 75% with auto on. While I preferred running at 90-100%, it was clear to me that if I hope to get through a day without having to charge, I've got to throttle the screen back. I've got to have access to a charger at some point during the day, and I'd hoped I was going to get away from that with the larger battery.

The screen is VERY nice, and every day this phone continues to grow even more on me.

I'm definitely not going to go back to my S3, but am also following the release of the Note 4, and following the release of the G3 prime to see if it might be released beyond just Korea. A device with at least 32Gb of internal memory, has a long lasting battery, and very similar overall dimensions to the G3 is an ideal device for my purposes.

I used to feel so sorry for iPhone users who had a shamefully small "screen" to attempt to view web pages, pictures, etc. Now my S3 is small compared to the G3, and I'm now laughing at myself since I thought my S3 screen was so large before my new device came in.

Thanks for the information. I was watching a review last night where the person said that his phone also drained fast. Not only that, I read the comments under the review and others said that the phone would get hot. I am not sure if this phone is going to meet my needs. My S3 drains pretty fast. I need a phone that will get me through the day plus some. Think I'll definitely wait for the Note4.
? G3 lasts more than my wife's S3. I have no idea what you talking about. I use an app call Lux that keeps the brightness of the screen depending where I am at as it is in dynamic mode. Give that app a try. I don't use auto brightness that comes with the phone at all since I found this app. I have watched youtube videos and of course it is on wifi..
I downloaded Lux Lite just to see if I can tweak some settings and get a little better battery life. If I find it's better than the onboard LG settings, I'll be happy to switch over. Thanks for the suggestion.

One way I use my phone is to take notes. I take lots of notes, and use a bluetooth external keyboard by Freedom that can fold nicely into my suit pocket. The combination of screen on and bluetooth keyboard is a big time drain of battery. During a full day meeting my S3 would typically drain down to the 40-50% range by days end. My G3 with only 3 meetings has left me more perilously at 20-30% by the end of the day.

Being that I have several phone upgrades available now for employees, I have the luxury of testing the G3 now to determine if it's strong enough for me to keep for the next couple of years. If the Note 4 has similar overall dimensions and has a better processor and battery, I'll be taking a real hard look at that device. I can "give" my G3 to a lighter user here at my place of business.

I don't think I'd choose the S5 prime, if one comes out because I have to admit I'm now hooked on this massive screen. If such and animal only has 16Gb of internal memory, that's an immediate no go for me.

The knock on, knock off feature on the G3 may be goofy for a lot of people, but I really find it convenient.

While it's not likely, but if a G3 prime with an 805 processor is available outside of Korea, that would certainly help the phone to be more efficient for driving all the pixels on the screen while not rapidly eating up battery life. I'd be real interested in that device if it was available some time soon. While I wait, I'll also continue my search for a pet unicorn.

I've had zero heating issues with this phone. My S3 would get hotter when I'm driving with google maps and have it charging too. I haven't been on a longer trip yet with the G3, but so far it doesn't get as warm as my S3 did when I'm following directions to get to a meeting.
Today I used my G3 outside in direct sunlight. I use my S3 to read Kindle books, and found today with my current screen settings of 70% and auto, that it worked better than my S3 did in direct sunlight. I find it convenient when I'm on vacation to only have to use my phone, and not have to lug other devices around. The G3 was better than my S3.

My G3 used 15% points of battery during 1.5 hours of reading. That's just a little higher burn rate than my S3 was.
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