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[Game] Trap Hunter: Lost Gear. A rogue-style dungeon crawler rpg with a refreshing twist!


Android Enthusiast
Hello fellow android gamers. I just wanted to let you'll know about a new rpg available now on Android market called Trap Hunter: Lost Gear. This unique turned based dungeon crawler that puts a unique twist on the genre which is similar to Monster Hunter's style of kill this strong boss monster with traps to help and increase guild rank. The traps are what make this game stand out.. The gameplay is different enough to bring something fresh to the table. Its one of the most original rpg's I've played in a while.

In Trap Hunter you use traps to outsmart and destroy your enemies. Right from the start you're given three different traps to create a bear trap which holds enemy in place for a certain amount of turns and allow you to attack unharmed from every direction but the front of the enemy. Next on the list is an automatic arrow wall trap which shoots arrow in the direction of your choosing but has to be set on a wall (this is my favorite starter trap). Lastly you get a Wall Smasher type trap which can either smash the enemy against a wall making him fall or the throw an enemy several yards away depending on where its placed. Though you can use traps at will because of special Trap Gear given to Edwin (main character) by his father, it does come at a price. All traps cost a certain amount of material to create. Don't worry there are only four types of material used to create traps. Materials are either found on dungeon floors, dropped buy enemies, or bought at the village shop. The better the trap the more material it costs. What I've said so far may sound a little hard to do in a mobile game but the UI makes the game so easy to play that you will be playing the game easily within mins of starting so no worries.

The game is set up in a town hub with your house (equip & store items), a shop (buy & sell materials and loot), and a guild where you get missions plus one other building with the tutorial. Though the game focuses on traps it doesn't mean your character is a slouch. He gets a constant stream of loot such as armor, weapons, gear, plus amulets, all of which makes his attacks, traps, or defense stronger. The loot can have random magical properties too so you'll be rewarded often. The game features smooth realistic 3D graphics and every piece of equipment worn in hands can be seen on Edwin.

Summary: Trap Hunter is a game that bring a very unique dungeon crawler experience to your android device. The gameplay is a blast and constantly getting rewarded with new loot, new traps to use, and tough bosses to kill makes this game quite addictive. I highly recommend this game for all to try, but it definitely should be checked out by rpg fans. $5 at checkout is a great price for the quality of this game and I can see myself playing again and again coming up with new ways to destroy my enemies with traps. The fact that I can play such a unique and deep game anywhere only adds to the value. Don't just take my word for it check out the demo and just a heads up saves from the demo don't transfer to full version so if you like it you may not want to complete the whole demo before purchasing.

[Trap Hunter Lite] http://market.android.com/details?id=jp.ash.TrapHunter_LITE

[Trap Hunter Full] http://market.android.com/details?id=jp.ash.TrapHunter

Video Preview:

YouTube - ‪TRAPHUNTER -LOST GEAR- demo‬‏
Steep price, but yes, this does look quite promising. Rough translation and slightly jerky performance on a stock Desire, but otherwise it seems to run okay - I will give the trial a shot and see how it goes. Nice find.
$5 at checkout don't know why it say $$6 on market but I've seen this problem on other games. I think its a region thing. You have to go off the checkout price, but $5 seems like fair price for the quality of the title graphically and most importantly gameplay wise. I'm sure it took a lot of work to make something this unique work this nicely. Only thing could be better is translation but it does a decent enough job to understand everything easily. RPG are hard to make and they get the least amount sales usually over casual games. I'm very satisfied with my purchase. Gameloft copies everyones ideas and makes a fortune why can't we give $5 to an Indie developer who tries something new and succeeds. Also if market is not profittable why do all that work for nothing. We need to start supporting in order to get more quality titles coming in. Android sales are sad compared to ios but many developers do it anyway because they like the platform even though its less profitable and harder to make games for because of all the different types of phones. We can't be cheap and expect market to grow. If we like a game we should be willing to buy it otherwise just pass. I know I'm not the only to have spent $60 on a game that lasted a day worth of fun if that.
Hey, hey! Didn't say I categorically would never pay it! Just I'm not throwing that out without playing a fair bit of the game first to see if I like it. Plus I'm British, so it's more like $8. ;) For the record, I'm a lot more impressed with this inside ten minutes than I am Symphony of Eternity. I just don't know if the gameplay will hold up over the long term.
Hey, hey! Didn't say I categorically would never pay it! Just I'm not throwing that out without playing a fair bit of the game first to see if I like it. Plus I'm British, so it's more like $8. ;) For the record, I'm a lot more impressed with this inside ten minutes than I am Symphony of Eternity. I just don't know if the gameplay will hold up over the long term.

I understand. I was just thinking about us android gamers in general. We really have to supporting thess guys. Well Ill try to give more information the further I get. So far Im constantly getting rewarded with new traps to play with and new equipment.
Update: So my guild rank is 4 now. The game is starting to get challenging. I already have 12 different traps I can use but you can only bring 8 in a dungeon at time. So now I have to decide which ones are best for the mission. Also enemies deal more damage and attack more times consecutively so using trap wisely is a must or you will be using a lot of potions from head on fights with certain enemies.
I like it, but for $8 (again, it came up as five pounds in the Market, not five dollars) I was really expecting a game where every level doesn't look exactly the bloody same. I think the graphics engine is technically pretty good for a little indie studio (love the menu screen when choosing to continue or start a new game), but the art design... ehhh. I'm only up to the third missions, but still, every stage is more or less the same floor, walls and pillars with some slightly different texture maps. I'm pretty sure even the original Diablo wasn't this bland, and at least with Rogue and Nethack you could use your imagination. It's a very neat gameplay hook, but I'm not sure it's strong enough to keep me running through what are practically identical corridors over and over and over again.

EDIT: Oh, and it doesn't show every piece of equipment on your character, just whatever you've got in each hand.
I'm not sure the price if you not in US but its $5 for me but of course I'm in the US. I will be playing more today to give more updates on length of game and new traps if I get any. So far I'm still very satisfied especially since the difficulty is picking up. I like a challenge.
I'm guild rank 5 and have 9 missions total available so far, 14 differents traps I can use (getting two new ones per guild rank after first couple of ranks). The game is also picking up difficulty nicely Bosses and certain enemies can definitely kill you now if you make a mistake. Loot is getting more and more important on helping you win battles. Also from a rank 5 mission description I have available now I'm 99.9% sure it goes pass rank five missions and new traps will be available too. Also missions seem to have atleast 10 dungeon floors on boss missions. So far the games length is looking great for such a unique RPG, even if ranks 6 were to be the last set of missions I would be satisfied with my experience. Ive spent more in arcade for in less than 10 mins.
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