Effectively, regarding to tweetdeck, I had only tried to download and install it (and everything went ok)...hi gio!
dvi - later. maybe somebody will know. i dont have monitor with both connectors, so i must look at pc in one room and second floor, and google box is downstaris on big lcd. so, i must run up and down. ;-)
apropos tweetdeck. i done all as described in latest video. i changed that one row in video from yesterday - alternative procedure (LINK).
but in first video with two procedures, in first You didn't change anything in system files (LINK).
maybe that is problem? i get tweetdeck, it starts, i sign in my account (i use it on pc also), but than it crashes.
any idea?
tried with original and changed build.prop file still nothing. tweetdeck install ok, start ok, i enter my twiter data, press ok, and in that moment it crashes. android is 2.3.4, from "update20111102.zip", with no added applications and rooted from the beginning.
for now, it seems that i must try with some other firmware, or wait for 4.x
I didn't try to register, because I had not a twitter account.
For testing your issue, i have created a twitter account and I have entered tweetdeck...
I could register and sign without problems, but when I tried to click on news, the application crashed.
I can go further forward than you (my release is latest 20120111), but there is something,
in our actual firmware, that causes this interruption...
Edit: I have found the solution!!

We must add this missing file: com.google.android.maps.jar
to "framework" folder in: /system/framework
and change its permissions to rw-r-r
Let me know...