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Get MMS working when you deleted your APN's


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2011
I don't know how I managed to do this, but I deleted my APN's and I hadn't done a recent backup, so I did not feel like redoing my whole ROM just to get my stupid APN settings. I also found that the existing guides only focus on what needs to be changed, which doesn't help when you need ALL of the settings. Also, the thread was locked so I couldn't simply respond.

Anyway, for anyone who needs them, here are the full APN settings you need for boost mobile to make sure MMS is working (at least in my experience, if you have a difference of opinion let me know -- but I have confirmed MMS is working)

First, if you need an APN to start with, hit the menu button in the APN menu then click "Reset to default". I don't know if TW based roms are the same way, but AOSP based roms seem to have this as the only way of adding a new APN when none exist. Fair warning, it takes some time to build.

Here's what settings I used (I don't think the NAME/APN values matter)

Note: not set means blank, so if it has something in there, delete it out to make it show up as "not set"

Name: Boost
Proxy: Not set
Port: Not Set
Username: Not Set
Password: Not Set
Server: Not Set
MMSC: HTTP://mm.myboostmobile.com
MMS proxy: (some say that the 7 needs to be a 1, but 7 is working for me)
MMS port: 80
MCC: 310
MNC: 120
Authentication type: None
APN type: Not Set
APN Protocol: IPv4
APN roaming protocol: IPv4/IPv6 (i dont think this matters because you can't roam on boost)
APN enable/disable: APN enabled (grayed out on mine, because I think it's the only APN I have)
Bearer: eHRPD​

Remember to hit the menu key then click save when you finish

Hope this helps someone, took me a lot of trial and error and google searches to find something that worked. I think I was also experiencing an MMS outage though, which made getting this to work all the harder.


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