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Root Give up? Or maybe hope?


Feb 11, 2013
Alright ya'll here's the scoop.. I rooted my phone and everything was all good.. Didn't add any roms didn't add anything just plain ol root. I don't think i put CWM on there and i don't know why but i don't have a blue recovery screen. Well anyways.. I accepted that OTR firmware update and i got stuck in a bootloop. So i factory reset it in the recovery thing. Still goes to boost logo. I cant connect the to the pc when its in the FTH or w/e it just doesn't connect or read.. So here's the question that I prolly already know the answer too.. Am i screwed? Also am i able to send it in to get fixed? please any advise will be greatly appreciated :)
abandon all hope ye who enter here

as long as you dont go telling boost you rooted it because they will try to blame you even though its not your fault, you can return it im sure. and ftm mode will probably connect, to the online update tool, which will probably tell you it cant be upgraded because its already got the newest software on it which seems stupid to me but hey its zte. but yea basically you are screwed unless you can exchange it or have it fixed by zte
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