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Glasses... a love hate relationship

I had my appointment this morning and it's a cataract that is causing the drastic change in my left eye's prescription. Aging, long-term exposure to sunlight, smoking... yes yes yes... I tick those boxes. In any event, I went ahead and ordered glasses with the current prescription and will address the cataract next winter when I'm not mowing. My optometrist advised that I will need a different correction at that time with or without the surgery. I won't be ordering a spare Zinni set of glasses for six months use. :)
I got my new glasses this afternoon. The correction is so drastically different in the left lenes that they make me a bit dizzy. I'm basically three and a half hours into wearing them. It was just terrible at first and I contemplated wearing my old glasses so I could safely drive home. My brain is starting to figure it out now. A sudden change in distance, for just a fraction of time, is awkward but then is fine. It took my left eye three years for the its vision to degrade to such an extent. It will take a bit of time for the correction to be accepted. I'm guessing it will be just as awkward when the cataract is removed.

Has anyone here had cataract surgery? I have briefly talked to two people that have had the surgery and they spoke well of the procedure and results. I'm not exactly certain what I'm in for but I'm looking forward to it. :)
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