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How To gmail--delete on phone only?

I'm a BlackBerry convert, and really miss the option to delete emails just on my handheld, but not on the main server (in other words, there are a lot of boring emails that I need to have in my actual gmail inbox, but I don't want them all cluttering up the gmail on my Droid). Anybody got any tips?
When I delete an e-mail from my Droid it appears as a folder in my CPU's G-mail as...[Imap]/Trash.

Sounds like you're using gmail through the combined inbox. I did try that for a bit, but when I'd remove the imap/trash tag in the "real gmail," that email would pop right back into the combined mailbox.

Man, I just wish there was a "delete on handheld only" option.
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I think that button is somewhat difficult in gmail/android, since the gmail implementation "caches" the emails locally, but really most of it is pulled dynamically from the web.

NOT what you are looking for, but a possible alternative for you, which revolves around labels in gmail.

Create a new label (call it anything you want), then create a filter that adds ALL incoming mail to that label (and leaves it in the inbox).
Add a google labs feature called "multiple inboxes" and make a second box below your inbox that searches for that label.
Now when mail arrives on your desktop and you have read it, simply hit archive. This will remove that message from the inbox, but it will still be sent to that label. When you are TRULY done with it, you simply hit remove label (one of the multiple inbox buttons available)
When mail arrives on the Droid, you can read it and hit archive. It will dissapear from the droid, BUT still be accessible from the droid in a pinch simply by opening that label.
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Well, here's something that MAY help you figure it out.

I use Thunderbird on my computer. For the longest time I was using POP. With POP, e-mails that you read through the client don't get marked as read on the server, e-mails you delete don't get deleted on the server, etc. All of the changes only affect your phone's changes.

Then I switched over to IMAP. I prefer IMAP because changes done on a client program reflect back to the server.

In short, you might look for a way to enable POP instead of IMAP, which has many more drawbacks than advantages, in my opinion. It's the only way I know of to do this, though.
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