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Help Gmail group not showing up


Android Enthusiast
Jun 3, 2009
The groups I have setup in Gmail are not available from my Droid. My contact list is supposed to be synchronized, so I don't understand why my groups wouldn't show up. I often have to send emails to the same people, so I have a custom group configured for my team.

Any idea how to get Gmail groups to show up?
Ah, I'm not the only one who is puzzled. In GMail I have three groups created by GMail itself (I guess) Friends, Collegues and Family that don't show up in my HTC Hero.
I can create a new group in GMail using the same name (e.g. Friends, Colleagues, Family) and I end up with two groups with the same name. However I can't delete the original group (the one that doesn't sync). Kind of weird both being a Google product and all.
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Same issue here. I added employees to my coworkers group on gmail and they are showing on my droid as contacts, but I can't find anyway to associate them or link them into the group coworkers. I run Launcher Pro, so I did find the option under my gmail account on my phone to check coworkers thinking that would solve the problem, but I still can't get them under this group on my phone. Anybody?
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So the groups are showing up on the phone. The problem is that the stock contacts and mail programs don't see them. If you try a different contact app (i'm using Phonebook 2 till I find something better) it sees all my groups fine. Also Launcher Pro Plus has a people widget that saw my groups no problem and was able to have a widget with a group the stock apps don't thinks is there.
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