IOWA Mr. Logic Pants Mar 16, 2010 #26 Bad idea: spending time with your kids in a porn store Good idea: this game
OfTheDamned The Friendly Undead Mar 16, 2010 #27 Bad Idea: Playing this game with drunk people Good Idea: Having a job
Frisco =Luceat Lux Vestra= Mar 16, 2010 #28 Bad Idea: Having a job with Al Qaeda Good Idea: Paying a compliment to a co-worker
Ghâshûl Well-Known Member Mar 16, 2010 #29 Bad idea: Commenting on your coworkers body Good idea: Run for president
OfTheDamned The Friendly Undead Mar 16, 2010 #30 Bad Idea: Run for the President while being chased by secret service. Bad Idea: Smuggling drugs into the country
Bad Idea: Run for the President while being chased by secret service. Bad Idea: Smuggling drugs into the country
resident psyco Member Mar 16, 2010 #31 Good idea : eating all of the Viagra and joining the mile high club Good idea: owning a PS3 and Xbox 360 and spending countless hrs gaming...
Good idea : eating all of the Viagra and joining the mile high club Good idea: owning a PS3 and Xbox 360 and spending countless hrs gaming...
OfTheDamned The Friendly Undead Mar 16, 2010 #32 Bad idea: Owning a PS3 and Xbox and spending countless hours playing games with no power or TV. Good Idea: Going for a stroll on a beach
Bad idea: Owning a PS3 and Xbox and spending countless hours playing games with no power or TV. Good Idea: Going for a stroll on a beach
Herodroid Well-Known Member Mar 16, 2010 #33 Bad Idea: Going for a stroll on a beach during a hurricane Good Idea: Teaching children
resident psyco Member Mar 16, 2010 #34 Bad idea: Teaching children how to roll a joint and load a gun Good idea: drinking responsibly
B blackops Well-Known Member Mar 16, 2010 #35 Bad Idea: Drinking until you pass out Good Idea: Telling people you care.
Herodroid Well-Known Member Mar 16, 2010 #36 Bad idea: telling people you care only about yourself Good idea: showing up to work
B blackops Well-Known Member Mar 16, 2010 #37 bad idea: showing up to work drunk or on blow bad idea: Throwing your phone from a rooftop
3devious Android Expert Mar 16, 2010 #38 Good idea: throwing your phone from a rooftop to hit a member of Al Qaeda. Good idea: wearing your seatbelt...
Good idea: throwing your phone from a rooftop to hit a member of Al Qaeda. Good idea: wearing your seatbelt...
Herodroid Well-Known Member Mar 16, 2010 #39 Bad idea: wearing your seat belt on the couch Good idea: saving money
J jamestown Newbie Mar 16, 2010 #40 bad idea: saving money for a sex change good idea: throwing a party
taterdiditoo Member Mar 16, 2010 #41 bad idea: throwing a party in a funeral home good idea: getting your work done
N Notahotshot Member Mar 17, 2010 #42 Bad idea: getting your work done by a sweat shop. Good idea: washing down your peanut butter sandwich with a glass of milk.
Bad idea: getting your work done by a sweat shop. Good idea: washing down your peanut butter sandwich with a glass of milk.
OfTheDamned The Friendly Undead Mar 17, 2010 #43 Bad Idea: Washing down your peanut butter sandwich with a glass of milk when you have a peanut allergy and are lactose intolerant. Bad Idea: Letting a baby play with knives.
Bad Idea: Washing down your peanut butter sandwich with a glass of milk when you have a peanut allergy and are lactose intolerant. Bad Idea: Letting a baby play with knives.
eyebeam Extreme Android User Mar 17, 2010 #44 Good idea: Letting a baby play with knives if you are a family of ninjas. Good Idea: Measure twice, cut once.
Good idea: Letting a baby play with knives if you are a family of ninjas. Good Idea: Measure twice, cut once.
N Notahotshot Member Mar 18, 2010 #45 Bad idea: using your forearm to measure, not moving your ruler before cutting. Good idea: turning off the lights to save energy.
Bad idea: using your forearm to measure, not moving your ruler before cutting. Good idea: turning off the lights to save energy.
InstantKarma Android Expert Mar 18, 2010 #46 Bad idea: turning off your car's headlights to save energy. Good idea: showering with a friend.
taterdiditoo Member Mar 18, 2010 #47 Bad idea: showering with your best friend's boyfriend/girlfriend. Good idea: eating breakfast
OfTheDamned The Friendly Undead Mar 18, 2010 #48 Bad Idea: Eating breakfast in jail Good Idea: Stopping a terrorist attack
B blackops Well-Known Member Mar 18, 2010 #49 Bad Idea: Stopping a terrorist attack in NA with a Nuke. Good Idea: Being a vigilante