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Google Contacts Will NOT Sync


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2009
Hey all,

I started getting some errors this morning and my contacts are just listed as phone numbers without any contact information. I went into my accounts & sync menu and sure enough, Google was no longer syncing. I clicked the sync now option, but I got an error that sync is currently having issues, please try again later. I tried a soft reboot and a battery pull...no luck. When the phone boots, I receive an error that says:

"The application Google Services Framework (process com.google.process.gapps) has stopped working unexpectedly, please try again."

I have no clue what happened, nor did I make any major changes (EDIT: I uninstalled Viber - Probably related to the issue!!) to the phone that account for this. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Edit: Oh, and only my contacts are not syncing (Google and Facebook). All of the other sync accounts are functioning correctly.
did you try restarting your phone? mine did that yesterday too.. but it was because of some other stuff i did, my whole account disappeared and after re-adding it, it kept giving me sync errors until i restarted the phone and then all was good again.

Yep. As I mentioned I did a soft restart and a battery pull. As for the account, I cannot remove it, per the phone instructions, without doing a factory reset, which I am trying to avoid.
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oh.. weird. removing the account = factory reset? damn.

I thought so too...I ended up doing a reset and all is well again. Additionally, I was having that alarm clock issue on the main screen and now that works as it should as well. So, it was not all bad.

Warning: I am not 100%, but fairly sure that uninstalling the app Viber caused my issues, so be warned.
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